Moonstone Cowboy

Come with us now on a journey to… The Wild West and the town of Moonstone. Vince is the cute cowboy with a big heart and an even bigger wardrobe. Howard is the dark and lamenting Sheriff trapped in an emotional cycle of guilt and need. In a world that’s like, but not like, the Boosh we know and love anything can happen (AU). But mostly our lads get in loads of bother. There’s plenty of mature imagery peeps so M+ for sex, violence, hurt/comfort, darkness, slash, angst etc.


Characters: , , , ,


Genre: , , , ,


Warning: , , , , , ,


Length: words



There are many things that Dixon Bainbridge dislikes. He dislikes being woken by the soft kisses of whores, he dislikes the sharp jarring pain in his neck which means he’s slept on a bosom instead of a pillow, he dislikes the throbbing in his temples which remind him of those extra few whiskeys, but most of all he dislikes opening doors to supposedly secret rooms to find the contents of said room gone.

Dixon snatches his keys back out of the lock of the roasting room and races out to the top landing that overlooks the saloon. He peers over the banister. Chalky is already behind the bar, up a ladder and polishing a large decorative mirror. Scattered across tables and four overstuffed easy chairs that surround the saloon’s only hearth are some of his men. He spots both of the Piper Twins sound asleep and blanketed beneath the layers of skirts worn by the women who straddle their laps.

To say Dixon is furious is an understatement, and the roar that leaves his throat near shakes the foundations of The Salty Bullet.

Chalky descends his ladder quicker than prairie dog descends into its burrow at the sight of a hawk, and dives into the small store room behind the bar, eager to be out of sight.

The Piper Twins and company don’t have such a bolt hole. They rush to their feet in a rather humorous fashion; limbs akimbo, hats and jackets hurriedly replaced, shirts smoothed, underwear realigned. The women are quickly dismissed by their consorts and they flurry away as noiselessly as possible. The men are left standing, some swaying, under the harsh scrutiny of their boss, as yet unaware of what riles him.

They soon find out.

“Where is he?!”

The men look around at each other before returning their gaze cautiously upwards.


“Fossil! Where the fuck is he?”

“Who Boss?”

“Fossil you brain dead piece of shit. He’s not in the roasting room. He’s not anywhere in the goddamn place. So tell me, where the fuck is he?”

Charlie Piper takes a brave step forward. “Boss, what me brother is trying to say here is that we don’t know nothing about Fossil.” He rubs the back of his head and looks around him. “We were here Boss, all night. We ain’t seen nothing suspicious.”

“You didn’t see anyone, you didn’t hear anyone?”

“No Boss.”

“How the fuck can that be possible huh? How the fuck can an imbecile like Bobby Fossil manage to sneak out of here? How the fuck can he get out of a locked room?”

“I dunno Boss. Someone helped him maybe?”

Dixon descends the stairs, his face bright red in anger. He charges right up to Charlie Piper and puts his face in close to the twin’s. “He had some help you think?”

“Yes Boss.”

“You think?”


“Of course he had some help you bloody idiot.” Dixon spins on his heel and charges across to the bar. “Chalky, where the fuck are you?”

Chalky steps out of the stockroom, a distinctly white pallor to his skin. “Mayor Bainbridge?”

“What time did you get here this morning?”

“About thirty minutes ago Sir.”

“The door was locked?”

“Yes Sir.”

“And the keys were with you all night?”

Chalky swallows. “Yes Sir.”

Quick as a flash Dixon leans across the bar, grabs Chalky’s shirt-front and yanks the landlord across the wooden top. “You’d better not be lying to me McGrue.”

“I’m not Sir, I swear. My keys didn’t leave my pocket until I got here.”

“How can you be sure?”

“I just… I know Sir.”

“What about Moon?”

“Sheriff Moon?”


“I don’t know what you mean Sir.”

“You and he are quite pally aren’t you?”

Chalky swallows again as Bainbridge’s hold on him tightens. “I… we’re… well we’ve known each other for a long time.”

“Lend him your keys did you?”

“No Sir, I swear, I didn’t do that Sir.”

“If you’re lying to me McGrue…”

“I swear on my Mother’s grave Mister Bainbridge Sir, God rest her soul, I haven’t seen the Sheriff, not since, you know, not since you and he and the Deputy and the hanging thing.”

Dixon stares at Chalky hard before grunting and releasing the poor barman. He turns back to the rest of the room. “Who of you have keys?”

Charlie raises his hand. “But only to the front, back and main office Boss.”

“So who has keys to the roasting room?”

Charlie shakes his head, as do the other men. Bainbridge turns back to Chalky who also quickly shakes his head in denial.

Eddie Piper steps out to join his brother. “I think only you have a key to that room Boss.”

“What?” Dixon charges forward again and stands nose to nose with the smaller twin.

The waver in Eddie’s voice is very noticeable, but he summons up some bravery to reply. “I think there’s only one key to that room Boss. I remember you saying at the time that only you were to have a key.”

Eddie and Charlie both take a hesitant step backwards, awaiting the onslaught they believe to be coming next. But Bainbridge doesn’t yell and screech. Instead he closes his eyes and chuckles. The twins look at each other in confusion. Bainbridge chuckles louder.


Dixon snaps his eyes open and the twins jump in response.

“Are you okay Boss?”

Dixon’s still laughing. “Oh yes, don’t you see, of course. How does a man disappear from a locked room?”

The twins shrug as Bainbridge walks towards them and plants a hand on each of their shoulders. “As if by magic of course.”

The twins still look confused as do the rest of the men, although a definite tension has lifted in response to the Mayor’s sudden change in mood.

Dixon wraps an arm around each of the twin’s necks and guides them to the window. “Have I ever told you boys about the magic man that lives in a cave in the desert?”

“No boss.”

“Magic man boss?”

“Yes, goes but the name of Naboo the Enigma. Strange little fellow. Quiet. Bit of a hermit. Seems to keep himself amused out there though.”

“Never met him Boss.”

Dixon looks at Charlie with a frown before reaching out to raise the shutter that’s covering the window. The twins groan as the light hits their eyes, but they dare not move backwards out of the glare. Instead they stand stock still as the Mayor spins back to face them, a curious expression on his face. He seems distracted by his own thoughts.

Eddie breaks them. “So d’ya reckon this magic Naboo bloke’s got Fossil then?”

Dixon’s returning smile is more frightening than reassuring. “Where’s Mr. White?”


“Ralfe White, where is he?”

“With his wife and kid.”

“More sense than you lot then. Go and bring him here.”

Charlie Piper quickly dismisses someone.

“What about us Boss? And what about Fossil?”

Dixon strides back to the bar and grabs the coffee that Chalky’s placed there for him. He takes a gulp. “You two go and get me the Sheriff. I need to report a break-in.”

“You gonna tell him about the roasting room?”

Dixon downs his drink and slams his mug onto the bar’s surface. “Of course not you dull witted oaf. I want to look him in the eyes, see if I can’t detect something in them. See if he maybe knows a little something about this already.”

“What shall we tell him to get him here then?”

“Tell him the Mayor requires his assistance as he’s had some property stolen.”

Charlie opens the door about to step out, his brother right behind him. “Uhh Boss!”


“You wanna speak to the Sheriff yeah, well happens he’s at the end of the street. And he’s got the Deputy with him.”


Dixon barrels through them and out onto the veranda. Sure enough the Sheriff and Deputy, each mounted on a horse, are about a hundred metres away at the start of the street. They suddenly stop, obviously as a result of spotting Bainbridge.

“Where the hell did the Deputy come from? I thought he was missing.”

Charlie and Eddie join the Mayor on the porch. “Was he Boss?”

“He most definitely was. Something’s amiss here boys, something I can’t quite see or put my finger on, and you know how I don’t like not seeing or putting my fingers on things don’t you boys.”

“Yes Boss.”

“So you won’t mind in the least if I ask you both to give our lawmen a convincing reason to stop, will you?”

Charlie and Eddie smiley widely at each other before vaulting enthusiastically down from the porch and standing in the street, hands on the holsters of their guns and barring any passage. Dixon calls for a few more of his men to join then.

The Mayor grins to himself. “Your move Moon.”

“Oh Shit Howard.”

“I know Little Man.”

“What are we gonna do?”

“We’re going to sit tight a minute.”

Howard and Vince watch as the Piper Twins leap from the front of The Salty Bullet and stand facing them in the street. They are quickly joined by three or four others from the saloon.



“If something happens here and now…”

“Vince, don’t say that. We’re going to be fine. You heard Naboo, we’ve got until at least eleven-ish tomorrow morning.”

“Is that meant to reassure me?”


“No but Howard please, if something happens either now, or tomorrow, then thanks yeah.”

Howard turns to look at his young partner. “Vince you don’t need…”

“Howard, thank you.”

Howard smiles. “And thank you Vince.”

Vince smiles back. “You know, I really hope nothing happens right now because you’re on a promise.”

Howard smiles a little wider. “I hadn’t forgotten.”

“And if we get through this I want at least one pain-free uninterrupted night with you tonight okay?”

“You won’t hear any argument from me.”

“So you’d better have a plan ‘cause I really don’t want to die here today.”

“Don’t say that!”

Vince nods towards Bainbridge. “What, you think he won’t do it?”

“He won’t shoot me in the street Vince.”

“Would he shoot me though?”

Howard bites at the inside of his cheek.

“Oh fuck.”

“You’ve got your gun loaded haven’t you?”

Vince’s fingertips stroke against the holster of the gun given to him by Howard earlier. It had to be said that Howard had picked him out a beauty, but an attractive gun was still a gun, and Vince could never bring himself to feel good about having to own one. “I’ve never shot a man.”

“I know.”

“I don’t want to start today.”

Howard takes a deep breath. “If anyone points their weapon towards you Vince I will kill them.”

Vince nods. “I know you will, and I think that scares me more than anything.”

Howard looks at him with an almost sad expression on his face. “I can’t let them hurt you.”

“I know.”

Howard takes another breath and looks back towards the group of men before them. “I found you in the desert.”


“When Bainbridge asks, which he inevitably will, I’ll tell him I found you in the desert, wandering around on your horse lost.”


“I’ll say you drank too much whiskey and what with your injuries and medicine you must have had a funny turn. You got confused and were out here trying to find me.”

“Not sure if I like being made out to be such an idiot Howard.”

Howard ignores him. “You’ll have to feign your injuries still too, pretend you’ve not healed. Lift your collar up a bit more yeah, like you’re hiding the marks. Pull your hat a bit further down across your face.”

Vince complies.

“Good, that’s good. Now hold your hand across your stomach a bit yeah, your left not your right, you still need to be able to grab your gun quickly should you need.”


“And don’t talk. They’ll expect your throat to be screwed up so we can get away with that. If you say anything go extra croaky.”


“Nothing’s going to happen. I will not let anything happen.”


“I promise Little Man. Nothing will happen.”

“I love you Howard.”

Howard goes to say something more but is thrown into silence. Vince repeats himself. “I love you. I don’t know how or why. I don’t care if it’s fate or magic or just good luck, but I love you and I need you to know that it’s me saying that, really me, here and now, telling you I love you.”

Howard quickly looks to the side as tears pool. He blinks them away before turning back to Vince, his eyes glistening but his features composed.

“I love you too Vince, totally, utterly and completely.”

Vince smiles. “Okay then Sheriff. Get me home.”

Howard takes one more deep breath before kicking lightly at the flanks of his horse and moving the two of them forward towards the saloon and the welcoming party of Bainbridge and his Boys.

“What’s all this Mayor? Rolling out the red carpet for me? You shouldn’t have!” Howard steers his horse to a stop sideways on and a few metres in front of The Piper Twins and co. Vince follows suits but keeps his head low, his arm wrapped in pretence around his midriff.

Dixon moves to the top of the steps. “You been away overnight Sheriff? Anywhere interesting?”

“If you call going on a search and rescue mission interesting then I suppose so.”

“Yes, I see you’ve found your missing Deputy. You’re looking a bit worse for wear over there son!”

Howard edges his horse a little further in front of Vince’s and answers on his behalf. “No thanks to you Bainbridge.”

Dixon points at Vince.

“Whatever happened to him was due to his own failure to comply. I cannot be held responsible for acting upon the evidence before me.”

“Evidence that you construed out of nothing at all.”

“Tsh now, innocent men don’t run.”

“All men run sometimes Bainbridge.”

Howard stares hard at the Mayor before nodding towards his men. “So why the show of force? I’d like to be getting along home and the Deputy needs rest.”

“If your Deputy needs rest so much how come he was out and about on his own since yesterday.”

“Not that it’s any of your business but Deputy Noir had a, how should I put it, a reaction to the medication and the whiskey in his system. I was lucky to find him at all actually.”

Dixon frowns and cocks his head, closely analysing Howard and Vince’s faces. Well only Howard’s really as he can hardly make out the Deputy’s at all.

“That sounds almost too good to be true Moon.”


Dixon snorts but continues to stare at Howard before The Sheriff eventually turns away and tightens his reigns.

“Well if that’ll be all.”

“No Sheriff, that’s not quite all.”

From the corner of his eye Howard can see Eddie Piper’s fingers lightly tapping the handle of his gun. He notes too how Eddie could easily get a shot away and hit Vince. He eases his horse forward a couple more steps to block the possibility of this happening before re-engaging with Dixon.

“What is it Bainbridge?”

Another of the men is stepping restlessly from foot to foot before a glare from Charlie stops him. Howard rests his right hand at the very top of his thigh. He doesn’t risk taking a glance at Vince. He doesn’t risk looking away for a second.

“Well as the lawman of this town Moon I thought you should know that I’ve had something very valuable taken from me.”


“Stolen actually.”

“For something to be stolen Bainbridge it has to be yours, so was this something yours?”

“In a manner of speaking. At least it is more mine than anyone else’s.”

“And when did this theft occur exactly?”

“Last night.”

“Last night, I see. Late was it?”

“Late yes. You didn’t happen to see anything, did you Sheriff, being that you were also up and about in the early hours?”

“Can’t say that I did Mayor, although I was nowhere near here of course.”

“Yes, of course.”

Howard’s feeling more and more uncomfortable with the turn the conversation is taking, not so much because of the ‘I know that you know that I know’ aspect of it, but more because he can’t work out why Bainbridge would want to play these games so publicly. In fact a movement in Howard’s peripheries tells him that their little conversation has not gone unnoticed. How could it really? The residents were getting curious.

On the opposite porch Jean Claude and Jack along with a couple of their customers were grouped outside the door. Behind the line of Bainbridge’s Boys, a good many metres back and in the shadows, stood a larger group. And behind them near the goods store a larger group again. Howard tries to identify faces but the sun is too bright.

Instead he squints back at Dixon. “So then, this item, valuable was it?”

Howard thinks that to keep talking is best at present.

“To me it is invaluable.”

“I didn’t think there was anything in your life you held that dear Bainbridge, except maybe money.”

Bainbridge huffs. “Now Sheriff, no need for any of that. As it so happens this item is something I’ve had for many years. It’s not so much dear to me as strange when it’s not around. It may not have much of a function, but I like it when it’s near me. It helps to keep me…um…stress-free.”


“Really! So, can you help me find it Sheriff or am I going to have to locate it on my own?”

Howard frowns. Where was Bainbridge taking this?

The crowd of people in front of the store has doubled now, and in fact they seem to be making their way slowly forward, eager perhaps to hear as well as see the exchange. Word spreads so quickly in a small town, and with the recent goings on between their Sheriff and their Mayor absolutely no-one wants to miss out on anything. More voices reach Howard from behind but he still doesn’t want to take his eyes off of the gang.

Howard raises his voice a little so that everyone can hear him better. “So what does this item look like? I mean I’m going to struggle to help you find it unless I know what it is, aren’t I?”

Dixon however is no longer looking at him. Instead he’s looking past him towards the end of the street. Howard continues to resist turning around, that is until the unmistakable tones of Montgomery Flange and Eleanor Hopkins reaches his ears.

“Mr. Flange, come back here. Why do you need to go interfering all the time?”

“I’m not interfering Mrs. Hopkins. I’m just going to find out what’s happening. Please let go of my arm.”

“Well if you’re going then I’m going.”

Lucien’s voice now. “Eleanor no. I won’t allow it!”

“Lucien Hopkins, since when I have taken orders from you?”

“Eleanor please.”

Howard finally turns around to see Monty and Eleanor striding purposefully towards them, Lucien scurrying along behind. There’s more people gathered at the end of the street too, some of which also start to move forward. Howard puts up his hand. “Monty, Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins, good morning.”

The group stops in their tracks, still a small distance away but close enough to be easily heard.

Monty speaks first. “Howard, are you okay?”

“Fine Monty, I’m fine thank you.”

“And young Vince?”

Howard sneaks a look at Vince who is still slumped over in his saddle, his hat casting a dark shadow across most of his face. He catches it though, a glimpse of sparkling blue and the suggestion of a smile upon his lips.

“He’s not so good at the moment Monty, but I’m taking him home now. He’ll be okay.”

Monty nods and takes two steps closer. The crowd follow him. Jean Claude and Jack have also come to the rail of their veranda, and the goods store group has moved up level with the bank. Howard judges that everyone must now be in earshot. He turns back to Bainbridge. “I’m sorry Mayor, you were saying?”

Bainbridge has gone a shade redder and his men are looking far less cocky. Howard’s all too aware though that nervousness is as dangerous as anger amongst a group of armed men. He’s about to change the subject when another face walks through the crowd.

Ralfe White surveys the scene before passing between The Piper Twins and stopping halfway between Dixon and Howard.

“Mister Mayor Sir, and Sheriff.” Ralfe doffs his hat at both of them before standing square-on before Dixon. “I was told you needed to see me Sir.”

Bainbridge looks as pleased at the distraction as Howard does.

“Ah Mr. White, how good of you to join us. Yes, there’s a small matter I need your help with. Would you be so kind as to join me inside?” Dixon waves his hand towards the door of The Bullet.

Ralfe nods. “Of course Sir. And what about here?”

“Here? Oh there’s nothing happening here. We were just giving each other some advice weren’t we Sheriff.”

“Well I believe you were telling me how you were robbed last night.”

“Yes, well yes that’s the gist of it. The Sheriff can’t do too much about that at the moment though, what with an injured Deputy to take care of. Still I’m sure Mr. White that you can offer me some assistance in the matter.”

If Ralfe White is feeling nervous regarding his knowledge of how Bob Fossil disappeared from a locked room then he wasn’t showing it. Howard was unexpectedly impressed. In another life he would like to be good friends with Mr. White.

“Whatever I can do to help Mayor Bainbridge Sir.”

“Good, good. Well then Sheriff I shan’t keep you any longer. Maybe I’ll come see you when you’re slightly less… preoccupied.”

A quick nod to Charlie Piper and the men lining the street move back up the steps and inside the tavern. Ralfe White follows suit.

Bainbridge pauses for a minute looking left and right and across to the various faces amongst the gathered residents. He can read a myriad of expressions on each and every one; fear, anticipation, excitement, worry, anger, confusion, but if there’s one thing in particular that concerns him it’s the expression of steely determination set into the small yet remarkably arresting eyes of Sheriff Moon.

There’s a small waver in his voice as he speaks. “Good day then Sheriff. I shall see you again soon, no doubt.”

“Not if I see you first Mayor.”

Dixon Bainbridge purses his lips before turning on his heel and walking inside after his men.

Monty joins Howard as the rest of the onlookers disperse. “What the hell was all that about?”

Howard shakes his head. “I’m not entirely sure Monty. I think maybe he just wanted to remind me that he has muscle and firepower at his beck and call. Either that or he didn’t count on you lot coming out of your houses.”

“Do you think you narrowly avoided a shoot-out?”

Howard lets out a deep breath. “I dunno. I don’t think so but I couldn’t say for sure. It was getting a bit twitchy there before you turned up.”

Monty smiles widely. “See, I told you I was an asset.”

“I never said you weren’t, old friend. I don’t know why I’ve never deputised you really.”

“Get away with yourself Howard, I couldn’t think of anything worse. Besides I hate fighting.”

“I think you’re showing plenty of fight Monty. How are you by the way?

“Terrible. I haven’t slept a wink. Still I’m alive and that’s a blessing considering.”

“So you’re staying with the Hopkins?”

“Correct, at least for the time being. Mrs. Hopkins is quite remarkable you know, but I’m only going to be able to take so much of her nursing techniques. I mean the woman won’t stop feeding me.”

Howard notes that Eleanor is already fussing around Vince, patting his leg and trying to reach up to brush his fringe from his eyes. He can’t suppress a giggle.

Monty frowns. “It’s not funny Howard. I’m a bachelor, I’m not used to being nagged.”

“It’s not you I’m laughing at Monty, it’s Vince. It looks like he might be suffering the same fate. I’d best get him out of here.”

Howard moves closer to Vince and greets Eleanor again in order to distract her from a very flustered looking Deputy. “Thank you so much for everything Mrs. Hopkins. I hear you’ve been doing a grand job in looking after Monty.”

Eleanor turns and smiles warmly at Howard. “Why thank you Sheriff, I do my best. The Deputy here looks terrible though. Would you like me to come and help put him to bed?”

Howard sees Vince’s eyes widen in fright but manages to swallow down the laugh bubbling in his throat. “No, that’s fine thank you Eleanor, I’m quite capable of helping the Deputy myself. Although Monty, would you mind coming along with me to take the horses back to their stable?”

“Yes, I was going to ask if I’d given you permission to take my horse Howard.”

Howard grins sheepishly. “Yeah, sorry, but I didn’t have time to consult you.”

“It’s not a problem, and yes I’ll come back with you.”

Eleanor starts to say something but Monty hushes her. “I’m fine Mrs. Hopkins. I want to go with Howard now. I’ll be along later for a spot of that fine stew you promised me though. Thank you.”

“Okay then Mr. Flange, if you’re sure.”

She turns back to Vince and rubs him on the leg once more. “And you pet. If you want anything you ask and I’ll be there.”

Vince nods and pats at his throat.

“Oh your poor dear, I forgot you can’t speak. Don’t exert yourself. Get on home now and lay that pretty head of yours down. I’ll save some of that stew for you as well. Lucien eats far too much as it is.” With this she walks away, dragging a rather dumbfounded husband along with her.

Howard dismounts and takes Monty by the elbow, leading him in close alongside Vince. The Deputy lifts his hat away from his face and gives the old actor his biggest smile yet.

The look of shock that settles on Monty’s face makes Howard laugh again, as does the string of monosyllabic words which follow. “But… you… not… hurt… how… when?”

Howard pats his friend on the shoulder. “Let’s get back to the jailhouse Monty and we’ll tell you everything. Plus I need your help in something too.”

Monty nods and like Eleanor before him gives Vince a pat on the leg.

“Okay boys, but let’s grab ourselves a bottle on the way yeah. I’ve a feeling I’m going to need a drink.”

An hour or so later and Monty is completely up to speed on everything. Howard misses nothing out, even the reasons behind having Bob Fossil locked up in the first place and everything they know regarding Lance Parrot’s murder, including all the details of what happened outside the cemetery. They even tell Monty about Bainbridge’s need for owl beaks which leads to a fit of the giggles lasting a full five minutes.

However when they tell Monty about the mysterious force guiding their timelines, about fate poking its nose in and messing with their heads, about the impending deadline of around eleven o’clock the following morning, well that’s the point at which the atmosphere in the jailhouse changes significantly.

“So what do you reckon Monty?”

“Well it’s difficult to come to any kind of conclusion. I’ve always considered myself a fairly spiritual man, but my God is fairly quiet most of the time. All this talk of a force greater than ourselves getting involved with our lives and directing us to do specific things, well I’m not sure if I can believe that.”

“I’m not sure if it’s as black and white as that, although to be honest I’m not entirely sure I understand it properly. The details are a little vague.”

Vince nods in agreement. “I can’t decide what is fact and what is fiction either, but I do know that Naboo is real, he does exist, and he seems to know a great deal about us all. Plus he healed me. I mean look at me! I’m fully recovered! No herb or medicine has the power to do that alone. It was magic pure and powerful. And I felt it! No, I didn’t feel it, I lived it, for a good long moment, before I blacked out I guess. It was like nothing else I swear. It was at once burning hot and freezing cold, it was immense and yet so tiny, so specific, so centred. It knew what it wanted and it knew how to have it. I’m not sure if I believe in everything, but I do believe in that magic and I know that we should trust Naboo.”

Howard gives Vince a wink. “You’re absolutely right. We’ve no reason to mistrust Naboo’s intentions for us even if his reasoning is so hard to comprehend. And besides he’s now looking after Bobby. If that doesn’t show he’s on our side I don’t know what does. I mean, would you want to volunteer time with Fossil without good cause?”

This breaks the tension a little, as the three men share another chuckle.

“So then back to the plan. You want me to round up the troops, right?”

“Not sure I’d put it like that Monty but yeah. If you could spread the word around that would be great. And the more the merrier. I know there’s not long for people to plan but we at least give them the option to join us yeah. There’s a train nearly every day out of here, but if we all leave together it will be so much harder for Bainbridge to stop us.”

“I’ll certainly tell all I possibly can Howard. I’ll try to reach everyone. I don’t expect there’ll be a whole lot of interest though as it’s such short notice, but I’ll tell them all the same.”

“We can’t wait Monty.”

“I know and I understand. And you can bet your bottom nugget that I’ll be there ready to leave right alongside you. But for those with property, with children, with livestock and with businesses, I don’t think they can afford to leave so quickly.”

“If they don’t leave now they risk losing it all to Bainbridge in the long run.”

“Yes, and I’ll remind them of this, but don’t expect a mass exodus. I’ve a feeling it’ll just be the three of us.” Monty leans forward and pats the Sheriff on the knee. “Don’t be disheartened by that though Howard. It’s the thought that counts.”

“I’d feel forever guilty if I didn’t at least try Monty.”

“I know you would, and that’s why I’ll make sure that everyone hears about it.” Monty downs the rest of his drink and stands. “In fact I think I’ll start straight away.”

Howard and Vince stand too.

“You don’t have to go yet if you don’t want to? Stay and have another drink.”

Monty looks at each of them and smiles. “Oh my dear boys, although your offer is so very appealing, I cannot take up another moment of your precious time.”

“Monty, you’re not intruding.”

Monty smiles again. “Such beautiful stupidity in two men that really should be showing far more intelligence.” He puts on his coat.

“Did you just call us stupid?”

Monty finishes with his buttons before leaning up to place a kiss on each of Howard’s cheeks. He then turns to Vince and gently runs the pads of his fingers down the side of the younger man’s face before leaning in and kissing each cheek the same.


Monty walks to the door but Howard races after him and puts his hand against it to stop him. “Monty, answer me.”

Montgomery looks up into the eyes of his best friend before gesturing to Vince. “Howard Moon, you have standing there a young man in the fullness of health and the prime of life, a young man whom, if I’m not mistaken, is in love with you as much as you are with him. Now, if I was told, true or not, that I might die within a few hours, I think I might like to spend those hours utterly and completely in the company of that man I love. That is to say in his company and his company alone.”

Howard’s eyes well up ever so slightly as Monty’s words flood a warmth through him. He pulls the actor into a tight embrace and kisses the top of his head affectionately.

“I love you Monty.”

“I love you too Howard. Now get off me you berk and go tend to your Deputy. He loves you more.”

Monty opens the door and disappears into the sparkling sunlight of the afternoon. Howard closes it behind him and locks it tight before turning back to Vince.

The two men stand, almost awkwardly, at either side of the room. Howard fiddles with his shirt collar as Vince bites unconsciously at his bottom lip. They both look down to the ground before looking up again at the same time. Vince breaks the silence.

“He’s right you know.”

“About us being stupid?”

“No, well yes that, but no. About me being in love with you.”

Howard swallows. “Yes, he’s right about a lot of things is Monty.”

There’s a pause again. Howard speaks first this time. “So we’re alone at last.”

“It would appear so.”

“And this may be our last few hours alive.”


“And I’m horny as hell!”


“I’m horny as hell. Aren’t you?”

“Well, yes, but Howard, if this is it, I mean really it, I want it to be something more than. I dunno. But something more yeah.”

“It’s alright, I get you. I know what you mean.”

“I knew you would. But I still don’t really know what I’m doing. I want everything to be as good for you as it is for me. I’m worried I can’t give you that.”

“You love me Vince, there’s not much else you can give me.”

“You know what I mean. Physically I want to please you and stuff but I’m not sure how.”

“Everything we’ve done so far has been perfect, and besides when you kiss me I feel like I’m on fire. No-one has ever done that to me before. You couldn’t be inadequate if you tried Vince. The mere taste of your lips against mine, the feel of your skin, your breath against my chest, the sounds you make when I touch you, all of these are enough to satisfy me. Anything you do beyond that is simply, well erotic extras.”

It is unlikely that Vince could blush anymore if he tried, and he blushes more as he realises that this too is a new thing for him. Vince had never felt embarrassed about any aspect of sex before, had never been shy in coming forward or asking for certain sexual favours. But with Howard everything is different. He supposes it’s because this sex means something. Regardless of the added weight of a doomsday deadline the idea of sex with Howard resonates within him deeper than it had ever resonated before. He didn’t ever want it to be a quick shag or a once around the garden, but especially not this afternoon. Oh no, he wants total immersion and equal pleasure. The trouble is, never had Vince been so aware of his lover’s experience. In fact more often was the case that he was the more experienced of the two, or three. But Howard is not only accomplished, he’s older and wiser, and, it has to be said, very good at it. Vince blushes again at the memory of where Howard had already put his tongue. Maybe one day he’d be able to give as good as he got, but one afternoon wasn’t a huge amount of time to learn some new tricks. Vince looks down and worries his bottom lip again.

Howard is in front of him and wrapping him up in his huge strong arms before Vince even realises he’s moved from the door. He closes his eyes and lets his cheek fall against Howard’s chest, willing himself to relax into the embrace. Howard, sensing the tension in his Deputy, moves one of his hands up behind Vince’s neck, cradling the smaller man’s head and circling his thumb against the side of Vince’s nape behind his ear. The other hand he runs up and down Vince’s back, hard enough not to tickle, but soft enough to soothe. He nuzzles his nose into Vince’s hair and speaks softly into it.

“I love you Vince Noir. I thought I’d lost you again and it was hell. But there is a good to come out of it. It’s that losing you made me realise how much I need you, how much I want you. It made me think about the emptiness, the nothingness that was my life before you came along. If there’s one thing that I do know is true about all of this then it’s all that soulmate business. We are meant to be together Vince, that is a fact, and I know that with you by my side and in my arms today, that whatever tomorrow holds for us, well then I can face it. You are my strength and my reason for living.”

“Are you scared about tomorrow Howard?”


“So am I.”

“I think it would be weird if we weren’t. Naboo’s sure freaked us out.”

The two men are quiet again for a bit. Howard continues to rub Vince’s back until Vince starts to lean more heavily into him. “Hey, you’re not falling asleep there are you?”

“Ha, no Howard. It’s nice though, makes me feel all dreamy.”

“You are dreamy.”

“Shut up you big dope.”


Howard lightens his touch and runs his fingers to either side of Vince’s waist, tickling and gently prodding. Vince giggles and tries to slap Howard’s hands away, but they’re persistent. “Howard…no…Stop it…Please…stop it…you’re gonna make me pee myself.”

Howard tickles some more before pulling Vince back into his arms. “Take it back then.”


“Take it back!”

“No. I won’t be taking that back Howard. I’ll be leaving it out there. You’re a big dope, a big soppy dope and you know it.”

“I’m not a dope, I’m a man of action Vince. I’m sharp and edgy. I’m powerful.”

“Prove it.”

“I will.”

“Go on then.”


“I think I’m ready now Howard.”

“Okay then little man, you asked for it!”

Vince giggles and pushes himself away from Howard’s chest. He turns quickly and runs around the table placing it between himself and Howard. His eyes are sparkling with mischief.

Howard reaches across to try and seize Vince but misses. He places both palms flat on the surface.

“Come here.”

“No way. You’re well scary when you’re horny.”

“I’m not chasing you.”

“What, the big, bad Sheriff doesn’t want to play?” Vince folds his bottom lip in a mock gesture of dejection. Howard tries not to smile.

“If you give up now Vince I’ll go easy on you. You’re only making this harder on yourself by trying to get away.”

Vince’s eyes widen before his whole face becomes a grin. He wiggles his eyebrows. “You still have to catch me first Sheriff.”

Vince feigns to the left making Howard move the same way before darting to the right and running towards the back of the jailhouse. He thinks about diving into the bedroom but opts instead for the empty cell. He yanks the door closed behind him and pulls against it.

“O you little shit!” Howard charges after Vince, his boots pounding against the wooden floor. He reaches the cell door and grabs at the bars just above where Vince’s fists are clutching at it.

“Is this your big escape plan?”

“I didn’t have time to think it through.”

“I could lock you in and leave you to pine away.”

“What makes you think I’d pine?” Vince’s eyes are sparkling again.

“You know all I have to do is push right.” Howard gives the door a little rattle to prove his point.

“I’m stronger than I look.”

“Yeah right”

“I might win Howard.”

“You won’t!”

Vince moves his right hand upwards and places it on top of Howard’s. He strokes the Sheriff’s knuckles with his thumb. “But I’m quicker than you old man.”

Howard does an exaggerated intake of breath before reaching through to grab at Vince’s arm. He catches the sleeve of Vince’s jacket but the Deputy simply swivels away leaving Howard with only the garment in his hand.

Vince grins cheekily. “See, too slow!”

Howard pulls his arms and the jacket back through the bars.

“Hey don’t rumple it!”

Howard cowls his brown eyes beneath his brows. He pins Vince down with his glare, and with a sly smile he shapes the jacket into a fabric ball and tosses it to the side.


Howard very deliberately, very slowly pushes the cell door open, allowing it to squeak in menace. He stands at the opening, half in and half out of shadow and raises his hand in front of him, palm upwards. Still deliberately, still slowly, he makes a fist, lifts his forefinger and gestures Vince toward him with it.

“Come here!”

Vince shakes his head and takes a step or two backwards. He can feel the end of the cot-bed behind his calves. His pulse is racing.

Howard takes one step inside the cell and repeats the action. “I said come here.”

Vince edges further away, but makes the last second error of looking down at the floor so as not to trip. Howard is on him in a flash making him accidentally squeal. Howard can’t help laughing out loud before slipping back into character.

“You’ve got a smart mouth, but you’re not so smart.”

“Sheriff I only…”

“Shut-up and stay still.”

The younger man shivers in anticipation as Howard brings his hand up to Vince’s head. He runs it gently through the dark mane, twisting the ends. He rubs his fingertips firmer against the side of Vince’s scalp. Vince closes his eyes and mews quietly.

Howard allows himself a moment to really look at the younger man’s face, the face that’s literally lying in the palm of his hand. Vince’s cheeks are glowing a very soft pink, and his eyelashes are fluttering a little. He moves his hand to the back of Vince’s head and massages here, his eyes full of wonder as Vince rewards him with a slight parting of his lips and a delicate whimper. Howard’s heart floods with warmth, as does his groin.

Vince opens his eyes and finds Howard staring at him adoringly. As his mouth parts even more Howard envelops it with his own, his lips pulling, his tongue licking and spiraling and willing Vince to reciprocate. But Vince doesn’t, Vince pulls away.

Howard is left hanging.

“Oh no. You don’t get me that easily Sheriff.”

“I told you not to move.”

Vince’s arse hits the wall. “Yes well you can’t have it all your own way can you?” His eyes gleam in glee.

Howard kinks an eyebrow. “I won’t ask you again Vince.”

“Ooh you’re so masterly.”

“Are you going to come back here or not?”

Vince bites his top lip and cocks his head. “Not!”

Two steps.

Just two steps with Howard’s huge gait.

But then the Sheriff stops. His face and eyes soften and he pulls one of Vince’s hands into his own. Vince frowns slightly in confusion.


“Is this okay Vince?”

Vince shakes his head at him not understanding.

“You’ve had a rough few days. If any of this gets too much…”

“I want to have sex with you Howard.”

“No, I don’t mean that, I mean me, chasing you around here. Is it, you know, bringing back bad memories?”

Vince’s heart melts and he wraps his other hand around Howard’s huge one. “It’s not. It’s rewriting bad ones with good. I love you Howard.”

“You’ll tell me though right, if I go too far I mean?”

Vince nods. “Just don’t put anything around my neck yeah.”

Howard nods glumly back. “Of course not.”

The Sheriff now looks a little bashful, as if breaking the mood has suddenly affected his confidence. Vince smiles and kisses Howard’s fingers.

“Hey, don’t worry. I trust you. Now back to it lawman. I was getting well turned on by you.”

“Were you?”

“Yeah, and don’t pretend you weren’t too. I’m not blind you know.” Vince runs his hand down the front of Howard’s body pausing only briefly before firmly cupping the Sheriff’s crotch. Howard sucks air through his teeth. “So old man, you still gonna punish me or what?”

Howard grinds a couple of times against Vince’s palm before growling low and grabbing Vince’s shoulder. He spins him around until he’s facing the wall. He takes both of Vince’s wrists, pulling one arm above the younger man’s head whilst keeping a tight grip on the other by his side. He leans in against Vince’s back, slightly squashing him, overpowering him, and puts his mouth right up to Vince’s ear.

“You’re a fucking tease do you know that?”

“I’ve been called worse.”

“Really? Like what?” Howard flicks his tongue out to lick the edge of Vince’s earlobe.


“Well that’s not a surprise. What else?” Howard moves in closer and licks all the way around the rim.


“Well you are a tart. What else?” He licks back down and takes Vince’s lobe gently between his teeth. Vince’s breath hitches.


Howard stops licking in order to snigger. “Chicken?”


“Who called you chicken?”

“A girl.”


“It doesn’t matter.”

“Oh it does matter.”

“It doesn’t. I shouldn’t have said it.”

Howard sniggers again. “You are so telling me about this later.”

“Fuck off and get back to the licking thing yeah.”

Howard lets go of Vince’s wrist to brush the dark strands away from his slim neck. He feathers his fingertips across the pale skin before replacing them with his mouth. Vince quivers and murmurs, the vibrations from his throat sending mini pulses of pleasure through Howard’s lips.

With his newly freed hand Vince reaches behind him and pulls Howard closer. He can feel Howard’s erection pressing into the small of his back and feels his own clambering for space between the material of his trousers and the wall. He wonders briefly if he’s going to be able to last very long before orgasaming. Once Howard finally gets around to touching him well he might…

..his thoughts are interrupted by the sound of a belt buckle jangling.

Howard’s once again up by his ear.

“I love you Vince.”

“I love you too Howard.”

Both men’s voices are breathy and luscious with lust.

“I want to try something, is that okay?”

Vince turns his head as far as he can to meet Howard’s gaze. “Will I like it?”

“I hope so.”

“Will you like it?”

Howard grins. “Most definitely.”

Vince squirms beneath Howard’s grip and manages to turn himself around so he’s facing the Sheriff. Looking down he notices Howard’s holding his belt in his hand. As he looks back up Howard catches his mouth in a kiss. There’s no backing away this time.

Vince allows Howard’s lips to ravish him. They’re everywhere and nowhere at once, on his mouth, on his forehead, on his cheeks, around his ears, and his eyes and his nose. Vince lets his head fall back against the wall and Howard seeks his Adam’s apple, the notch in his neck, his pulse point. Vince mutters Howard’s name and the Sheriff is spurred on. He makes quick work of Vince’s shirt buttons and exposes his torso, all the time sucking and licking and tickling the soft skin with his moustache. He nuzzles at his favourite patch of chest hair before diving upon Vince’s left nipple, rolling it lightly between his tongue and teeth. A dark heavy moan rises up from Vince’s depths. Howard’s clever fingers find their way to Vince’s belt.

Vince jams his fingers into Howard’s curls as the Sheriff moves to the other nipple. “Not too fast Howard.”

Howard undoes Vince’s buckle and pulls the leather through the loops. “Oh, this is going to be anything but fast.”

“What?” Vince’s voice goes an octave higher as Howard raises himself back to full height and thrusts his thigh between Vince’s legs.

“I said this isn’t going to be fast.”

Howard, both belts still in hand, grabs Vince’s waist and lifts him easily into his arms. Vince instinctively wraps his legs around him, moaning again as his groin makes contact with Howard’s stomach. Howard grins before carrying Vince from the cell.

Vince assumes he’s being carried to the bedroom, but Howard stops before he gets through the bedroom door. Instead he gently places Vince back on his feet and cups the Deputy’s chin in his hand.

“Remember what I said Vince. If anything becomes too much.”

Vince nods. His eyes are huge and beautifully blue. Howard can’t resist placing the lightest of kisses above each one before taking Vince’s wrist and again pulling it above his head. Using his belt he fastens it to one of the bedroom cell bars, tight enough to restrict but loose enough not to chafe. The blue eyes grow wider.

“This still okay?”

Howard pauses waiting for permission, Vince’s left wrist now in his hand. Vince nods again and leans forward to kiss Howard on the nose.

Howard attaches Vince’s other hand to the bars in the same fashion, amidst a quick request from Vince not to crack the leather, and stands back to admire his work.

Vince looks delectable. Howard’s not sure if it’s right or proper to feel this turned on by seeing your lover tied to bars, shirt hanging open, trousers half undone, cock bulging and chest heaving. He looks wanton and innocent all at once, shameless yet shy, aroused and yet abashed. His eyes, well how many other words for blue are there? And the colour in his lips alone make Howard’s dick twitch.

And then Vince smiles, a sexy yet genuine smile that lights up the room as much as his face. Howard’s hunger peaks.

He moves to stand in front of Vince but he doesn’t touch him. Vince, now desperate for contact, tries to move forward, but of course to no avail. This is what Howard is counting on, that the belts hold. He’s also relying on his own will power to hold as fast. It’s been a long time since he played a game like this, and back then it had been he who was tied-up. He hoped he could get this right and resist his urges, for Vince’s sake as much as his own.

“Howard, please.”

Howard pulls in a breath as Vince’s appeal shudders through him, but instead he walks away, over to the shelves near the table. He grabs a glass and the bottle of whiskey that Monty had left behind. He pulls himself a large tot and returns to standing in front of Vince.

Vince watches as Howard takes a large swig, watches his slight grimace as the alcohol hits the back of his throat, watches his Adam’s apple bob as he swallows, watches him lick the bitter-sweet wetness from his lips. It’s such a simple thing and yet somehow so seductive. Vince’s licks his own lips in response.

“You thirsty Vince?”

“I’m pretty dry yeah.”

Howard takes another small sip before moving closer. He lifts the glass to Vince’s lips and tips it slowly, not wanting to choke the younger man. Vince swirls the amber brown liquid around his mouth to lessen the burn before he swallows. He licks his lips again.

Howard eyes him fondly before taking another sip himself. He doesn’t swallow it all this time. Instead he moves even closer and covers Vince’s mouth with his own. As his tongue seeks entrance into the younger man so a little stream of whiskey follows, sweetening and souring every nerve ending and dribbling onto their chins. Howard doesn’t touch Vince at all, he’s holding instead the bars either side of him, not one part of them in contact apart from their mouths. And they kiss like that for an age, deep and strong, hot and heavy, slurping whiskey from each other’s chins, until the need for air parts them.

Howard steps back again, but not before quickly rubbing the palm of his hand against Vince’s bulge. Vince’s head lolls against his own shoulder as he struggles to catch his breath.

“Fuck Howard.”

Howard takes another sip before putting the glass down and removing his jacket. He leans on the table and removes one boot and sock, then the other. Vince cannot tear his eyes away. Howard strolls forward again, unbuttoning his own shirt as he does so and rolling up the sleeves. He undoes the top button of his trousers but goes no further.

When Howard leans against Vince to kiss him this time he presses their naked chests together. Both men groan appreciatively and Howard pulls Vince even tighter against him, wrapping both of his large hands into the back of Vince’s hair and roughly ruffling it as the kiss intensifies. The bars dig into Vince spine but he doesn’t care. The thing Howard is doing to his body is worth any bruise.

Howard breaks the kiss and starts moving down Vince’s body again, tucking his nose beneath the folds of Vince’s open shirt and kissing his sides. Vince squirms as the expert lips find tickly spots and tender spots and downright thrilling spots, and he squirms even harder as Howard returns to a nipple. Howard takes the other between his fingers and toys with both, harder then softer, harder then softer. Vince kisses the top of Howard’s head, the only part of Howard he can sort of reach, and Howard allows it. He likes feeling Vince gasp and sigh into his hair, his breath hot against his scalp, his moans vibrating against his skull. He keeps on until he sees Vince start to circle his hips, trying desperately to cause some friction, any friction against his cock. Howard reaches down and pulls Vince’s trousers unceremoniously to his ankles in order to stop Vince even finding the smallest pleasure on his own. Vince scrunches his eyes shut and bangs his head backwards against the bars as he’s freed. He continues to circle his hips but now there’s nothing on which to rub.

“Oh fuck. Fuck!”

Howard takes a step back and picks up his glass.

Vince stops the rotation but his stomach muscles are still rippling. He tries to kick his trousers away, but as his boots are on this doesn’t work. He looks down at himself, exposed and at full mast, his nipples hard and glistening with saliva, before slamming his eyes shut again and whimpering.

“Howard please.”

Howard continues to sip at his drink, rubbing himself slowly through his own trousers as he takes in the sight before him.

Vince eventually looks up into his eyes, his fringe slightly damp now as his body heat rises. In fact Howard notices a sheen covering all of him, a sheen that adds to his youthful glow. Howard can feel sweat prickling at his own hairline and skin too. He’s not sure that it looks quite so fetching on him.

The Sheriff makes a stop at a low cupboard before coming forward again, refilled glass in hand. He gives Vince a chaste kiss upon his cheek before crouching in front of him and putting the glass on the floor.

A slight pause before he gives Vince’s cock one long lick from base to tip. Vince nearly crashes his body backwards through the bars.

Howard holds his hips still and kisses Vince’s stomach.

“Christ Howard, you wanna warn me before doing something like that?”

Howard looks up at him and shakes his head.

“What so you’re not speaking to me now is that it?”

Howard nods this time and starts to kiss along Vince’s hipbones and outer thighs.

“And this is my punishment is it? The teaser becomes the teased.”

Howard kisses around the backs of Vince’s legs at the same time lifting Vince’s foot so he can remove a boot and a trouser leg. He frees the other in a similar manner but then has a change of heart and puts the boots back on. He smiles up at Vince impishly.

“Oh yes, very nice Howard. Whatever turns you on.”

Howard goes back to kissing Vince’s legs who widens them in response. He comes inside, kissing and sucking Vince’s inner thighs, always threatening to relick his penis but then changing direction. Vince grunts in frustration and tries to move his hips, but Howard has them pinned tight. His knees weaken as Howard comes the closest yet, licking right inside the crease of his left leg and groin, the soft rasping sound of moustache meeting pubic hair the only noise to accompany Vince’s throaty gasps. Vince bucks against Howard’s hands, waiting to feel Howard’s mouth engulf him, but Howard suddenly stops and grabs Vince’s ankles. He pushes Vince’s feet backwards and wraps a length of cord around each and a rail. He pulls tight and the left boot slams ‘clonk’ against the metal. The right gives some resistance, but soon Vince is secure, spread eagled and keen, his groaning now intensifying. Howard stays on his knees between Vince’s legs and picks up his drink. He looks pretty pleased with himself, the cat that got the cream.

Vince glares down at him, desperate desire dripping from every pore. “You bastard!”

Howard shrugs and takes a drink.

“You wait ‘til I’m free. I swear Howard Moon I’m gonna…”

Howard takes another sip and then suddenly his mouth is around Vince’s cock, the whiskey slightly cooling his tongue and giving Vince the biggest jolt of pleasure so far. Howard’s ready for him this time though and holding his hips still he takes all of Vince at once. Vince yelps, and pulls at his wrist bindings before managing to calm himself a little and relax back against the bars. There’s nothing relaxed about his pulse rate though and Howard can feel it pounding through him like a train. Howard smiles around him and hardens his tongue, running it firmly from root to tip.

“Oh god!”

Howard repeats before laying one arm across Vince’s midriff and taking hold of the base in the fist of his right. He doesn’t move, just holds it firm, waiting for Vince’s shivers to subside a little. He looks up. Vince’s head has fallen against his chest, his hair hanging around it a little wetter than before, his mouth open as he takes shallow breaths, his cobalt eyes still dazzling although a little less focused. Without looking away Howard puts his tongue out and gently licks the opening at the tip. Vince shudders. He does it again, a little harder, and circles his tongue once, twice around the head. Vince’s clamps his teeth into his bottom lip. Howard starts to move his fist, still circling the tip with his tongue, slowly at first but then faster and firmer. His fist plays out a steady rhythm, double the speed of Vince’s breaths. His tongue caresses and careers the whole of the tip. Vince can no longer keep his eyes open. He throws his head back again as Howard takes him fully once more, his hand still pumping at the base. He lets go of Vince’s hip and massages his testicles and below his cock. He finds every spot, every stretch of skin, every nerve, and he plays them like a musical instrument, a long note here, a half note there. Above him Vince bucks and buckles and begs Howard not to stop.

Howard allows Vince to thrust a little against his tongue, taking pleasure in the fact that Vince is giving himself so completely to him, feeling empowered by it and flattered by it. Above him Vince’s sounds change again. They increase in pitch and ferocity, and Vince his saying his name like a mantra.

“Howard, oh my god Howard, Howard, Howard, fuck don’t stop, please Howard, yes, don’t stop, goddammit it Howard, I’m gonna, please I’m gonna…”

Howard pulls back as abruptly and Vince yells out,

“No, no, no, what you doing? No, no, no, no, oh fuck no, fuck no, you bastard, you fucking bastard, I was there, fuck no.”

Vince shakes and thrusts his groin forward trying to find contact with something, anything that will give him release and stop the ache. Howard giggles and stands, taking another sip of whiskey as he does so. He brushes the hair away from Vince’s eyes and cups his face between his hands. He places a soft kiss on his lips and runs his tongue along the bottom one, coating it with liquor before forcing his tongue through and sucking the remaining breath from Vince’s lungs. He kisses until he feels Vince melt entirely against him, and then he stops to stroke Vince’s face some more.

Vince stares at him for a few long seconds as his breathing evens out and his chest calms. Eventually he smiles at Howard. “You’re still a bastard though.”

Howard smiles back. He gives Vince another sip from his glass before putting it down and undoing his own trouser buttons. He steps out of them as they pool at his feet, and can’t help but sigh as his own erection is finally freed.

“What now, you gonna rub yourself in front of me. Make yourself orgasm why I watch?”

Howard shakes his head and moves in close again. Howard’s height advantage is lessened slightly by the heel of Vince’s boots but Howard wants him taller. He looks around him and spots one of Monty’s small wooden boxes inside the cell. Well Monty wouldn’t mind would he? Why he’d probably encourage it!

Howard quickly unties Vince’s ankles and places the box in front of him helping the Deputy onto it. When he straightens up now the height is perfect. Lips lock against lips, chest against chest, stomach against stomach and of course cock against cock. Both men groan as the heat from their bodies sets their blood streams ablaze. They kiss hungrily, messily and uncoordinated as their groins grind against each other. Howard, one hand back in Vince’s hair, wraps his other arm tight behind Vince’s back and pulls them even closer together. The sound that comes out of the Deputy is near divine and Howard can’t help but thrust against Vince as he hears it. Vince thrusts back, eager and ready.

Howard separates enough so that he can get his hand in between. He lines each cock up against the other and wraps his huge palm around them. Vince lays his head upon Howard’s shoulder and watches as the Sheriff’s hand moves up and down, up and down along their shafts. The movement joins them together like never before, each one of them trembling and jerking against the other as Howard’s fingers massage and manipulate. Vince places a soft kiss against the side of Howard’s neck and whispers “that feels great” into his ear. Howard turns his mouth once more to Vince’s for a kiss before they rest their foreheads on each other’s shoulders, watching Howard’s hand move, faster and faster, and a little tighter.

Vince feels the pressure in his body rise. The pang in his groin grows again, but with more force this time having been denied already. His limbs tighten, every muscle yelling at him. Howard feels Vince tense, feels his legs straighten and his jaw harden against his shoulder. He hears his moans pitch up and turns his lips towards him, kissing the side of his head and allowing Vince to have his build-up. Vince’s heart is pumping furiously and Howard sucks at his pulse point, increasing the rate even more so. Vince tenses some more, takes a stuttery breath inward and then…

..Howard backs away.

“AHHHH! No, no, no. You can’t do that. You fucking can’t do that. Fuck Howard. Jeezus fuck! No.”

Vince near sobs into his own chest as his body struggles to cope with another near climax. His cock twitches, rock hard and red with wanting. He kicks the box away and finds the real floor, his leg muscles taut and aching. Eventually he lifts his chin, his hair a tangled sweaty mess around his face, his eyes unfocused and lips full and velvety.

Howard is having a hard time controlling his breathing too as he looks upon his lover. He’s continuing to stroke himself, giving himself plenty of pleasure as he takes in the full picture of what he’s reduced Vince too. He knows right now Vince hates him more than anyone in the world, but it’ll be a short lived thing. In a minute or two Vince will be thanking him.

“Please I can’t take any more.”

Concern suddenly changes Howard’s expression. He stops touching himself and rushes forward, lifting Vince’s face and brushing away the hair.

“Vince, are you alright? I’m sorry. Did I hurt you?”

Vince closes his eyes and rests his forehead against the Sheriff’s shoulder blade. “No I mean I can’t take waiting anymore Howard. I need to come. Please Howard, let me come.”

“Oh.” Howard rubs the back of Vince’s neck. “What say we move this to the bed then Little Man.? Next time I promise I’ll let you come.”

“Please yes.”

“And you’re not gonna run away again are you?”

Vince laughs. “Howard, I can barely stand.”

Howard laughs too and unbuckles each wrist, catching Vince as he slumps against him. He rubs each arm to encourage Vince’s circulation before gathering the younger man up into his arms and walking through to the bedroom.

“I think you’ve got a thing about carrying me Howard.”

“Well at least you’re conscious enough to remember it this time.”



Howard lies Vince carefully down before kneeling on the bed at his feet to remove the young cowboy’s boots.

“Finally! If my toes curled any more inside of them I don’t think I’d ever be able to take them off again.”

Howard gives Vince’s feet a quick rub too before running his hands up Vince’s legs and stopping near his thighs. Vince watches him curiously.


“I’m just thinking Vince, there is something else we can try.”

Vince cock twitches and makes them both laugh again. “Well he seems to like the idea.”

“It might be a bit weird for you.”

“A lot of weird stuff has happened to me this week Howard.”

“Yeah, but I’m not sure how you’ll feel about this.”

“Try me.”

Howard takes a breath before continuing. “Do you know much about a man’s pleasure zone Vince?”

“Pleasure zone. What sexual pleasure zone?”


“Well didn’t I nearly hit it twice out there.”

“No Vince, I don’t mean an orgasm. I mean a pleasure spot. A place on your body.”

“Well I’ve heard talk, but isn’t it meant to be, you know…isn’t it…up your jacksy?”


“Is that true?”


“Do you know for sure?”

Howard pauses again before replying. “Yes.”


Both men are quiet for a second before Vince speaks. “Do you know how to do whatever it is you have to do?

“Yeah, I was taught.”

“And does it hurt?”

“Not really.”

Another pause before Vince speaks,

“I’m not sure I want your cock up inside me Howard. And I’m not sure I want mine up inside yours.”

“Oh god no! I wasn’t thinking that. No, no, that takes some time to prepare Vince, and a bit of skill. I was thinking, perhaps, that you might like to experience it though, say if I used my finger.”

Vince nods as he processes Howard’s suggestion. “And it will feel good yeah?”

“It feels fucking amazing Vince, especially if I do this at the same time.” Howard reaches forward and takes Vince’s penis in his hand again. He starts to move up and down ever so slowly.

Vince smiles at him and rests his head back against the pillow. “Can I do you at the same time?”

“Do you really want to?”

“Well I want you to have the best too Howard.”

Howard gives Vince a kiss on the knee. “Well yes, that’s nice and all, but you don’t have to worry about me.”

Vince wriggles and relaxes as Howard’s grip tightens around his length. “I’m not worried Howard, but I want to give you as much pleasure as you’re giving me.”

“Honestly Vince I’m happy enough watching you. Let me do this for you yeah.”


“You sure?”

“Yes. I should try and experience as much as possible before I die shouldn’t I.”

“Don’t say that Vince.”

“Come on Howard, I was only joking. Mmmm, that feels good. C’mon, let’s do the thing before I change my mind.”

Howard slides his body to the side of Vince, still stroking him languorously. “Right well it’s all about relaxing really. Lift your leg up like this.”


“Yeah, well hitch it over my shoulder actually, that might be easier.”


Both men look at each other before breaking out in laughter. “Oh for goodness sake Howard, what do we look like?”

“It’ll be worth it I promise you.”

“It better bloody be. You’ve teased me quite enough today don’t you think.”

“Right, keep your leg there. Good, now see I can still stroke you too.”

“Fuck that feels so good when you do that.”

“Well you’ll like this then.”

Howard continues to rub back and forth but he starts putting little twists in, extra pressure here, less force there. He uses his thumb almost independently, running it at every time across his tip. It’s not long before Vince is panting heavily again.

“I’m going to move back a bit now Vince to give me room. You still okay?”

“I dunno, yeah I guess. I feel like I’m unravelling.”

“That’s good, you need to relax as much as you can. It will feel really odd at first.”

Vince watches as Howard moves between his legs. With one hand he’s still pumping Vince’s cock and his other is in his own mouth. Well at least his forefinger is. He licks it thoroughly allowing saliva to dribble from his mouth before also gathering on it some of the liquid leaking from the end of Vince’s penis. He leans forward and spits, and Vince feels the warm splat of it against his rectum. The Deputy decides that maybe he doesn’t want to actually watch anymore.

He tips his head back, concentrating instead on trying to relax. He focuses on Howard’s hand, the now familiar pull and tug on his cock taking him ever closer to ecstasy.

Howard’s finger-tip starts to trace tiny circles around his opening and he can’t help but tense. Howard kisses his inside thigh.

“It’s okay Vince, just relax. Focus on my mouth and your cock and imagine that in a second my mouth is going to be around your cock, around you beautiful cock, licking and tasting and warm and firm.”

Vince finds Howard’s head and runs his fingers through the mess of curls, every tiny kiss and suck on his thigh sending bursts of fire through him. Howard keeps circling his hole with his finger, stopping every so often to add more spit, or more of Vince’s ‘stuff’. He feels as Howard’s finger pad starts to push ever so gently, feels as his body reacts on his own accord to say ‘no’, but then suddenly ‘yes’, he feels Howard stop inside waiting for him to relax some more, for his body to stop spasming, for his breathing to calm a little, and then wham!

Vince bucks upwards and Howard has to push his body back down to the mattress with force as much to stop himself losing a digit as anything. Howard brushes the spot again and Vince’s chest leaves the bed. His eyes fly open and his fingers twist tighter into Howard’s hair.

“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!”

“Your language has become quite appalling Deputy.”

Vince cries out as Howard moves his finger again.

“A lawman can’t be seen to be swearing all the time. It’s not good for our reputation.”


The Sheriff laughs and keeps his promise, engulfing Vince’s now inflamed member with his mouth and sucking hard.

Howard knows that he can keep Vince like this for as long as he wants, edging him and teasing him, making him think he’s close before stilling his finger and seeing Vince hit the floor over and over. He considers it, carrying this on for the rest of the day and all night, keeping Vince in a constant state of bliss until they are both exhausted, learning every one of Vince’s moans and sighs, his tells. Watching the man buck like that time and time and time again. He could, nothing was really stopping him.

Except for maybe guilt. Guilt and trepidation.

He was leaving town tomorrow. Saying goodbye to Moonstone for the first and last time. Hell if it wasn’t on a train then it was likely going to be in a coffin. The thought made him shiver, but not as much as the thought of seeing Vince inside one.

Howard removes his lips and looks up at the writhing form of Vince beneath him. It was time for him to take Vince over the edge. As much as he wanted to stay like this forever they had other preparations to make.

Howard moves Vince’s leg from his shoulder and shuffles himself further up the bed. Vince opens his eyes and sits himself up slightly to meet him, enjoying how the sensation of Howard’s finger inside him changes when he does so. Howard rubs the spot a little more forcefully and Vince barely manages to stay upright. He flings his arm around Howard’s shoulder to steady himself, turning further into him as he does so, and grabbing Howard’s penis in his own free hand. It’s Howard’s turn to buck.

They lock mouths again. Hard, wet, desperate kisses, moaning constantly into each other, sweat coating them, hair everywhere. Vince moves closer still. He’s almost sitting on Howard’s finger now, and Howard taps and rubs the spot again and again as Vince moves his hips with him, thrusting his cock against Howard’s thigh as he gallops along with these sensations, sensations the likes of which he’s never experienced before.

Howard ends up exploding first, the site of Vince in a total state of ecstasy with the younger man’s fingers wrapped around his cock enough to bring him home. He plants tiny kisses across Vince’s face urging the man to follow him.

“That’s it Vince. C’mon. So close, you’re so, so close.”

Vince buries his face into the side of Howard’s neck, his words reduced to just ‘fuck’ and ‘Howard’ between the gasps.

Howard put his lips right up against Vince ear and whispers, “I love you.”

And that’s enough. Vince hits his orgasm with the force of a buffalo stampede. He clings to Howard, sweat pouring off him, body all at once sharp and tingly yet numb. Howard wraps his arms tight around the love of his life, absorbing every sensation that charges through Vince’s body, committing every second to memory.

Vince and Howard come down slowly, holding each other tight, and breathing each other more than the air around them. Howard stretches out on his bed, every part of himself feeling brand new. Vince curls fully into him, draping his leg across Howard’s legs, his arm across Howard’s torso, his face still buried into Howard’s neck.

They lie in complete silence for minutes, each listening to the others breaths and their own heart beats hammering inside of them.

Eventually Vince sighs and plants a tiny kiss on Howard’s jaw. “That was fucking incredible.”

Howard chuckles. “Yes it was.”

“I can’t believe you know how to do that. I mean all of it. The bit earlier, that bit then, all of it.”

“I’m glad I’ve got you to practice on.”

Vince kisses him again and nestles further into Howard’s neck, suddenly overcome with tiredness. “I might have a little sleep Howard.”

“You go right ahead Vince. I’m not going anywhere.”

“You’ll stay with me?”

“Don’t worry I’ll stay with you until the end Vince. Until the very end, whenever that might be!”