Pairing: Howard Moon/Old Gregg

Let the Good Times Roll

Old Gregg enlists the help of his old man, the Hitcher, to reunite with his beloved Howard. When Howard goes missing on their trip to New Orleans for Mardi Gras, Vince once again has to save Howard in every way possible.

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A Booshy Mannequin

Crossover and slash. Howard Moon, a struggling artist is going from one dead end job to the next. But it all changes when a mannequin he creates comes to life in a department store where he gets a new job.

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I’m Old Gregg: Photos Taken from their UK Tour, ‘06

A sort of A/U for “The Legend of Old Gregg”. What if Vince hadn’t rescued Howard? What if Howard had been forced to marry Gregg and form a band?

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