Genres: Humour


Luckily mornings were pretty secluded for the two, so their odd occassional closeness was unseen by others excluding sometimes Bollo and Naboo. Though, unfortunately for the two, things were about to get out of control as the day progressed…

No doubt Vince is popular, it’s isn’t the first time he’s been photographed or mentioned in cheekbone… but what if that publicity gets out of hand?

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Pies: A Tragico-Absurdist Vignette of Revolutionary Russia

‘This is a little piece now I’ve written myself, with a pen, and it’s set in Russia, around the turn of the century. I know what you’re thinking – don’t think that, because this is dark, penetrating theatre. Please enjoy a piece I’ve written, called simply: Pies.

An excerpt from the script of Pies: A Tragico-Absurdist Vignette of Revolutionary Russia, and its initial reception.

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Through the Haze

What is it that Noel and Julian feel for each other? They can’t quite figure that out, or what they should do about it. These two have a long way to go together.

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Future Sailors: The Aftermath.

The kinky aftershow events when the Future Sailors Tour finally ends.

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