Character: Rudi

Boosht Hollow

After a series of murders have been carried out at the small village of Sleepy Hollow, constable Howard Crane has been called out to investigate them. Can he slove the mystery with his new friend Naboo and his new love interest, the mysterious Vince Van Tassel?

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Stardust/Mighty Boosh crossover. Howard Thorn wishes to impress Victoria Gideon by going beyound their village wall to find a fallen star in a new magical world.

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The Mighty Shakespeare

A re-telling of Romeo and Juliet, but with Howard and Vince as the star crossed lovers.

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In the Band

Written for accio_arse from the prompt: ‘From back in the days when Howard used to play jazz in a band – with Rudi and Mrs Gideon. Howard’s about to get kicked off the band for being crap, and he’ll do anything to stay. Mrs Gideon never remembers who he even is, so Howard tries to put a move on Rudi so that he’ll keep him in.’

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26 Fics in 26 Minutes

A story for a song by a band starting with every letter of the alphabet. Ranging from angst to fluff to humour to porn to general whimsy. Encompassing Boosh, RPS, Nathan Barley, Robots in Disguise, and Asylum, and probably a few other things too.

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