Julian takes a special interest in Noel, yet he’s struck by denial … for a while, anyway.
Continue readinghe slashes one way… he slashes the other…
Julian takes a special interest in Noel, yet he’s struck by denial … for a while, anyway.
Continue readingVince writes a story about scissors and Howard is the only person in the class who likes it.
Continue readingLoosely a songfic, based on ‘the scientist’ by coldplay. Dee and Noel are fighting, they make up. Not the style i’m used to, but what the hell 🙂 Reviews?
Continue readingSimon Amstell/Matt Shultz I really tried to write slash, but it seemed to end up a little bit… sexless. Never-the-less, I enjoyed writing it.
Continue readingA very fluffy ficlet
Continue readingHoward goes missing and Vince gets lonely – it doesn’t really have a plot lol.
Continue readingIt’s a year since The Party. Vince promises to let Howard decide how to celebrate his 33rd birthday, but all Howard wants is a minimal fuss and to connect like they used to do.
Continue readingThe boys are in trouble when a race of dust mites from under their bed shrinks them down and orders Howard to find the sacred gem of their land before they kill Vince. Slash.
Continue readingVince tries to express his feelings for Howard after hearing a truthful song. Songfic and slash.
Continue readingHoward and Vince have a sleepover. Sweetness ensues.
Continue readingAs best friends go, Vince and Howard have a lot of faults.
Continue readingThe first couple times Howard told Vince he loved him didn’t go so well.
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