Length: 10-20k

Silent Hill vs The Mighty Boosh

Howard, Vince, Naboo and Bob Fossil take a works outing to the sleepy town of Silent Hill. It goes about as well as can be expected. A/N: You don’t need to have played the games or seen the film to understand this – no unusual characters are mentioned. Except monsters.

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Howard Moon Wins; Vince Noir Loses

Howard gets sick of Vince getting all the attention and takes steps of a magical nature to do something about it. You’d be surprised how fast something like that can spin out of control – wait, you wouldn’t? Man, you’ve seen this show before, haven’t you?

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Deep Eremophobia

Pic challenge entry – Why does Howard hate to be touched? Vince wishes he knew, and wracks his thick brain and dim memory for the answer to the mystery. Will he find the answer by remembering what really happened up in the Arctic? Shouldn’t he consult a dictionary for big words like pteronophobia? And what’s Dixon Bainbridge forcing Howard to do now that Howard’s been demoted to his personal valet? So many questions! Read on, to discover the answers.

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I’m Old Gregg: Photos Taken from their UK Tour, ‘06

A sort of A/U for “The Legend of Old Gregg”. What if Vince hadn’t rescued Howard? What if Howard had been forced to marry Gregg and form a band?

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