Future Sailors: The Aftermath.

The kinky aftershow events when the Future Sailors Tour finally ends.


Characters: , , , , , , ,

Pairing: , , , , , , ,

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Warning: , , ,



Length: words

Future Sailors: The Aftermath. by noellover

[nextpage title=”Do You Wanna Be A Future Sailor?”]

Do You Wanna Be A Future Sailor?

Author’s Notes: Noel’s after party…

Julian was staggering through the dark back streets of London, back towards his flat, stumbling on nothing and muttering to no one. He was very, very drunk. Possibly more drunk than he had ever been in his life before. It had been a fucking good party.

Noel had been a bit weird, looking over excited and flashing him strange, wild looks all night, then leaving a good few hours early, when he’d only had a few drinks, leaving Julian with Mike and Rich in the heaving club. This was bizarre because Noel usually stayed at a party till he either couldn’t walk or couldn’t function.

To be honest though, Julian hadn’t really paid this much thought at the time. It was the aftershow party for their last live performance of the Future Sailors tour, and everyone had been ecstatic, including Julian. He and Noel were the last to arrive, and everyone screamed as they entered the room.

Dave was already pissed, and practically vibrating from a his mixture of excitement and relief at not having to wear his Bollo suit for a few more months. He’d stayed in his floral dress and heavy eyeliner from Nanageddon, and, Julian had to admit, looked fucking hot. His voice was shredded from screaming, but he wasn’t talking much anyway, spending most of his time attempting to get off with everything in the room. He’d stumbled up to Ju and Noel the second they shuffled into the heaving room, still clutching some random girl he’d just been fingering in the corner, and launched himself at Noel.

The girl was laughing hysterically as Dave grabbed Noel’s face and hair, pulling him into a violent, messy kiss, all tongue and breath, which lasted for a good half minute, during which hands were wondering everywhere, and his and Noel’s boners were in plain view. No one minded much, and the whole scenario actually lead to a lot of cheering and laughter from the surrounding crowd.

Dave pulled away with a gasping breath after a while, leaving Noel spinning, with smudged black eyeliner across his sweaty face, coughing for breath and giggling, and advanced on Julian, who had been watching the ridiculous display with a wolfish grin, laughing loudly at regular intervals.

Dave slammed Julian up against the door they’d just entered by, and shoved his tongue roughly into his mouth, still tasting of the cigarette Noel had been smoking just before arriving. Ju had tried to laugh it off, but could feel his boner straining against his jeans, rubbing against Dave’s.

The sweaty whirlwind of a kiss ended all too fast for Julian, leaving him groping at the air as Dave spun away through the heaving room, a small group of girls with fake VIP passes and short skirts following him, giggling delightedly whenever he grabbed one’s arse or slid his hand down one’s top.

Ju glanced over at Noel, who was cupping his erection shyly, and laughed, pointing to his own and shrugging. Noel grinned broadly and sauntered over to him, shaking his head and giggling.

Noel flung his arms round Julian’s neck, hanging off him like a child, looking up into his small brown eyes with his huge blue ones.

“Right bloody pair we make. Hard already and we haven’t been here more than five minutes.” Noel run his fingers very lightly over the bulge in Julian’s jeans, so lightly he couldn’t tell if it was an accident or not.

“Yeah, could be worse though.” Julian mumbled into Noel’s hair, smiling against his neck.

“How, exactly?” Noel was laughing again, his eyes all loose in his head and his head flopping around like a doll’s.

Ju nodded over his shoulder. “We could be like Dave!”

They both turned and glanced over to where Dave was now staggering towards Mike and Johnny Borrell, still oblivious to his throbbing boner. He grabbed Johnny first, pulling him into a firm hug with a loud “We fuckin’ did it, mate! The fucking rabbit and the fucking gorilla!”

“How come Borrell gets a hug while we had Dave’s tongue in our stomachs?!” Noel said poutilly, though there was no tone of regret in his voice.

Julian smiled cheekily again, glancing down at his friend through the scruffy hair that was clinging to his moist forehead.

“You loved it, you little tart.” He pinched Noel’s side at this, making him squirm and giggle, drunkenly batting his hand away.

“Fuck off, Ju!” Noel laughed as he twisted away from his mate’s probing hands.

“Never mind, here comes the tongue anyway…”

Julian turned round just in time to see Dave dive down Johnny’s throat, thrusting his hand down the front of his Skinnies at the same time, and they were both in stitches again as they saw Johnny’s shocked expression slowly melting into compliant, alcohol-fuelled lust.

It wasn’t long before they could see Johnny’s situation becoming similar to their own, getting harder and harder as Dave’s drunken hands ran over his bulging crotch repeatedly. He could sense this too, and finally pushed Dave off him with a laugh, shouting just loud enough for Dave to hear through his alcoholic haze “Piss off, Dave, I’m getting a fucking hard-on!”

Dave winked, shrugged and turned on his heel, grabbing the nearest girl following him and pressing her up against the bar, then disappearing into the sweating crowd like a pissed, horny ghost.

“Thank fuck for that,” Noel sighed into Julian’s shoulder. “Thought he was going to rape my baby brother for a second!”

“Don’t speak too soon…”

Noel turned round, a horrified look on his face, and saw Dave advancing on Mike, arms out and mouth open.

“Fucking hell!” Noel retched emptily and turned away quickly, just catching Dave’s groping hands out of the corner of his eye, reaching for his brother’s little arse, and shuddering. “That’s just fucked up!”

It wasn’t just Dave who was horny as hell though, everyone seemed up for anything, anywhere tonight. Glancing round the room, Julian saw Chris being pinned up against the wall by a very pissed Sue, who seemed determined to give him head while kneeling on as many feet as possible, as Dee danced wildly next to them, throwing Noel a hot look and giggling every now and then.

Sue was just unzipping Chris’s skin-hugging silver jeans and wetting her lips, all the while being gawped at by the surrounding dancers, as Chris bit his lip and stared round the room, catching Noel’s eye as he did and winking, beckoning him over with a flick of his slender neck. Noel grinned back and began pushing through the crowd towards them, grabbing Julian’s arm as he did so, pulling them both through the hoard of pulsating bodies.

Dee grabbed Noel’s shirt the second he got within arm’s reach and greeted him with a passionate kiss, then threw him back against the wall next to Chris, pressed so close to him that he could feel his protruding bones digging into his side.

Chris turned his head to face Noel and pressed his mouth against hid neck and mumbled suggestively into his shoulder “Noel, do you wanna be a future sailor?” He wiggled his eyebrows up and down, sinking his pointed teeth into Noel’s soft flesh briefly, then turned his head back towards Sue, and Noel watched as Dee began to work her way down his body until she was kneeling in front of him, level with Sue.

He glanced over at Chris again, who was biting his lip and staring down at Sue as her head ran up and down, all tongue and hot breath, with just the occasional hint of teeth making him grasp Noel’s arm for support as he cried out, in the process making Noel realise he’d been staring, completely absorbed. He flushed and lowered his eyes.

Dee had seen him staring too, and was smiling up at him like a naughty child through her heavy fringe. She knew she could make Noel grip his mate’s arm and cry out too, and decided that was exactly what was necessary given the current circumstances.

Noel gasped as he felt her hand slide down the front of his boxers, pulling down his skin-tight jeans as she did so, just to the top of his thighs. She stared at his cock for a few moments, then, taking in one long breath, and flashing Sue a amused glance, she wet her lips and slid smoothly down, right to the base.

“Fucking HELL, Dee!” Noel shouted, clutching Chris’s arm as he felt his knees collapsing, drawing Chris out of his trance and detaching Sue for a moment.

Chris and Sue both stared at Dee in amazement for a moment, gaping at her newly emerged skill, then giggled and returned to what they were doing with renewed vigour, Chris catching Noel’s eye as he tilted his head upwards again. Noel was pressing hard against him now, and he could feel the skeletal man’s hollow breath rattling against his body, heightening his state of arousal and making it impossible for him too even focus his eyes, and all he could hear was Chris and him gasping in unison, and all he could feel was Dee’s mouth and Chris’s breath and… Chris’s hand?

He shook his head to clear the fog in his mind, and glanced down. Chris’s long fingers were snaking up his T shirt and tracing complex patterns on his bare stomach. They were ice cold and felt like cool air blowing against him, not solid hands touching him, stroking his chest, his stomach, trailing down.

Noel’s eyes widened as he felt Chris’s spidery digits joining Dee’s bobbing head on his cock, gripping the base and rubbing up and down to meet her mouth half way. He stifled a loud cry by biting down on his lip hard, sure that he’d never been harder than he was just then.

He could see Sue out the corner of his eye, still sucking Chris off for all she was worth, and as they locked eyes she smiled up at Noel, raising her eyebrows and smiling even more as she noticed where her ambiguous boyfriend’s hand had travelled.

Noel loved Sue and Dee so much at that moment, they had to be the best girlfriends two boys had ever had! Especially two androgynous sexual question marks like himself and the man next to him, who’s slender fingers were moving faster with every passing second, in perfect unison to Dee’s head.

He suddenly felt ridiculously mean, being pressed up against a wall getting a united hand and blow job, and not returning the favour to at least one of the beautiful people who was sending shockwaves of icy pleasure through his trembling body.

He couldn’t see a thing, except a blur of psychedelic colours and flashing dots, and was unable to turn his head anyway, so felt his way to Chris, fingertips tracing along the ribs which were protruding jaggedly from beneath the skin-tight T shirt, and snapping his braces playfully.

He heard Chris laugh at this, sounding like a crystal chandelier in an earthquake, and ran his hand down over the impossibly hollow stomach, eventually reaching the place he was aiming for.

He jumped slightly as he felt something hot suddenly bumping into his outstretched fingertips, knocking them way, only to realise from the sudden giggle and mumbled “Sow’ry Noe–” that it was Sue’s head that had bumped his hand away.

He laughed and crept his hand back to where it had been, this time glancing down to ensure no unexpected collisions. He gripped the base of Chris’s cock, the only warm thing on his body, and began pumping it in time to Sue’s movements, exactly as he was currently experiencing.

He glanced over at Chris as he did this, and saw him staring at him intently, his head still tilted upwards, his thin lips flushed red and his black eyes boring into his soul. He couldn’t resist how unearthly strange Chris looked, like an alien sex god from another dimension, and threw his lips towards the other his, crashing into them and melting in the most surreal kiss he’d ever experienced.

Everything about Chris was sharp and skeletal and cold, including his kisses. Noel knew this already of course, but he had never been so encompassed in it before, so fixated on the sensation. Chris’s tongue was freezing and pointed and tasted and felt like it was made of metal. It stabbed viscously at Noel’s soft, warm, wet mouth, hacking it apart in a cold frenzy and tasting Noel’s own sugary, alcoholic taste. The contrast was delicious, and Noel and Chris mentally screamed each other’s names in unison.

End Notes: reviews please – first PWP 😉 x

[nextpage title=”Spinning Rooms”]

Spinning Rooms

Author’s Notes: Julian’s after party…

While the four of them were having a mutual blow job session against the wall, Julian was spinning through the crowd, catching hazy glimpses of Dave sucking strangers’ faces off a few more times in the process, looking for the bar, and drinks. Lots and lots of drinks. Not that he wasn’t having a good time, he was having an amazing time, but he was determined to get absolutely off his face for once, not just a bit tipsy. He wanted to be drunker than Noel when they finally left.

He found the bar a few moments later, and ordered four drinks, not sure who the other three were for yet.

While he was waiting for his order, he turned round and looked over to where Noel, Chris and the Robots were still standing/kneeling together. Chris had just leant over Noel, and the two of them were now kissing violently, while Sue and Dee giggled between breaths. Julian rolled his eyes. Trust Noel to get sucked off in club while kissing someone else.

Suddenly, Chris’s head moved out of the way as Sue once again made his knees collapse, and Noel was staring right at Julian, his hair standing on end and his eyes wild and completely focussed. The intensity of his stare gave Julian goose bumps. Suddenly, the gaze was broken as Noel threw his head back violently, shouting something Julian couldn’t hear and scratching at the wall behind him, digging his fingers into Chris’s angular frame.

Then he was gone again, blocked this time by Dee, who was standing slowly, wiping her mouth as she did. She stood on tiptoes and kissed him on the cheek, then grabbed Sue’s arm and pulled her off her knees. Chris had already come, a blaze of blue flames and shooting stars hitting the back of his eyelids, but Sue, for some reason, was still kneeling, gazing up at him as she licked her lips clean.

The Robots turned from their respective partners and began dancing insanely to the heavy music, shouting and grabbing at each other, spinning and jumping, making Julian’s mind whirl as he watched dizzilly, while Chris and Noel turned to one another, laughing and joking.

Noel looked like he was explaining something funny to Chris, both of them looking conspiratorially round as they muttered and laughed. Noel kept glancing over at Julian, and when Chris started doing the same, Julian became convinced they were talking about him.

He raised his glass to his lips, pretending not to notice, but still watching them both intently. Suddenly, Noel leant over, grabbed Chris’s shirt and pulled him into a brief but passionate kiss, and turned away from him, waving as he did. Then he was gone, walking straight through the door and out into the street, leaving the door swinging behind him.

This confused Julian slightly, as he had planned to share a cab with Noel, but by the time he downed the remainder of his drink, he couldn’t give a shit about anything, including the strange behaviour of his mate.

He picked up the remaining three drinks he’d ordered, and began walking towards Rich and Mike, who sitting on bar stools in the middle of the dance floor for some reason, getting in everyone’s way but not caring. They accepted the drinks happily, handing the remaining one to a girl on Rich’s left, then turning round to face Julian, Mike shifting on his chair to make a bit of room for Julian to sit. Not that he took up much of it anyway.

“Julian, do you know where Noel’s gone?” Mike lisped lazily, a drunken smile stretching across his face.

“Yeah! Where the fuck is he? He’s missing the paaaarty!” Rich was very pissed too, but it didn’t really change him that much. He couldn’t get any louder, or any more annoying, he just got more honest if you got him in a quiet spot where he wasn’t distracted.

Julian had found out most of what he knew about Rich through these drunken confessions, like about that time when he was fourteen; he’d woken up with a boner, pulled the sheets over his head, had a quick wank, and when he pulled the sheets down, there was a cup of tea next to his bed from his mum.

“Think he just left actually.” Julian mumbled, trying hard not to laugh at the story he’d just remembered.

“Whaaaaaaaaaaat?! Fine, have it his way!” Rich wasn’t even making sense anymore, and Mike was swinging his legs like a toddler, and staring off into the distance. Julian smiled to himself. It was going to be good night if everyone was this drunk or horny an hour in.

And it had been. He’d got four phone numbers from the various girls who were following Dave as he rampaged through the bar. He’d got off with two of them, plus a few other girls around the club. He had a horrible feeling he may have kissed Dee, as he had a vivid memory of having her tongue down his throat, but couldn’t tell in his current state whether the image was real or not. But he was almost 60% sure it wasn’t, so it was fine.

He’d left about two hours after Noel had, and was absolutely hammered, and had, for some unknown reason, decided to walk home via a route Noel had suggested earlier, just before arriving at the party.

And now he was stumbling through the back streets of Camden, making his weary way homeward.

Suddenly, he heard footsteps echoing behind him in the alley, and stopped. They stopped too, but he definitely saw something shuffle and sink away into the blackness. Julian was too pissed to be afraid, but he was slightly worried. What was going on? Someone was following him…

End Notes: please please review – like it or not? x x x

[nextpage title=”In The Shadows”]

In The Shadows

Author’s Notes: The Bethnal Green demon makes an unexpected appearence…

A black shape loomed in the shadows which the street light was filling the road with, turning everything to stark orange and black. And Julian caught sight of a definite outline. Top hat, long hair, knee length coat. The strange silhouette looked like an illustration from a Victorian crime novel. Julian peered closer, but couldn’t make out anything but the black outline.

Suddenly the shape moved, leaping out at Julian from the shadows and slamming him up against the wall, clutching at his throat. Julian kicked and gasped, but the hand wasn’t gripping quite tightly enough to inflict pain, though he wasn’t exactly comfortable.

The face leant in towards him, and he could feel it’s breath on his face, smelling, weirdly, of sugar and Alco-Pops. As the face came into the dim orange pool of light, however, the smell was immediately explained. The face was painted bright green, with a plastic polo mint over one eye and a white stripe down it’s cheek. Peering out from beneath the brim of the black top hat were two sparkling blue eyes, and the pouting green lips spread wide into a huge grin, albeit a rather sinister one.

“Evenin’ squire.” Growled a husky voice from behind the broad grin, filling Julian with a pang of excitement and spine tingling lust which sent a jolt of hot energy shooting up his back till it exploded in his head, still slightly tinged with apprehension and a strange, gripping fear that made his chest tighten.

“Jesus, Noel! You nearly gave me a heart attack! What’re you doing, attacking me in dark alleys dressed up as Jack the fucking Ripper?!” Julian was relieved that it was Noel, but still pissed off and a bit shaken up, and wanted an explanation.

“Fraid you may’ve mistook me for some other geezer, mate. I ain’t no bloody Noel, though I did know the Ripper when ‘e woz just a nipper.”

The evil grin stretched even wider, the blue eyes twinkling. Noel was playing that game again. That bizarre, dangerous game that he loved so much, especially when he was pissed.

He’d spend ages getting into costume and make-up, perfect his voice and expressions, and become one of his characters.

He’d done it once before, meeting Julian at his apartment as Old Gregg, and continuing to sing ‘Love Games’ for the next hour or so, interspersed with a strangely sinister mix of hideous threats and gushing complements. It had been fun at first, but Noel always took it too far, and had ended up kissing Julian violently, forcing his tongue down his throat and running his hands all over his body, all the while proposing marriage and remembering ‘the boat times.”

Julian hadn’t exactly disapproved of being mock-raped by a pissed Noel dressed as a sea-transsexual, but he’d put a stop to it then, not wanting Noel to do something he’d regret in the future. Would he be that sensible tonight?

He didn’t feel sensible, and Noel’s leering face and hot breath weren’t helping the situation. He shook his head, attempting to clear it, but only succeeding in making himself even dizzier.

“Noel…” He began in what he hoped was a sensible and warning voice, hard at it was to seem authoritative while being pressed up against a wall by a man painted green with polos stuck to his head.

“I already told you, boy. I ain’t no Noel. And I don’t much like ‘avin to repeat m’self…” The voice was sinister and threatening now, daring Julian to disagree, as he leant up against him harder, crushing his spine painfully into the brick wall behind him.

He knew it was still Noel under that make up, but he wasn’t going to argue with the cockney nut job he’d become, sensing from the strength he was being held with that it wouldn’t be a wise choice. Noel was stubborn at the best of times, but tonight he seemed much fiercer and more determined than normal. He wasn’t joking. He was The Hitcher now, not Julian’s best mate, and he wasn’t going to be persuaded otherwise.

“Alright, fine. Whatever you say…” Julian tried to be nonchalant, but his voice was trembling, and he cringed as he heard it. The Hitcher seemed to relish the fear in his voice, tilting his head up, looking at Julian with a cannibalistic hunger in his eyes, running a very pink tongue along his sharp teeth, which, Julian was relieved to see, hadn’t been painted to look rotten, at least.

“Tha’s better now, init boy? I do like a bit of whimperin’ from me victims ‘fore I see to ‘em.” The blue eyes were practically shining now, and Julian felt his stomach flipping upside down, but he was determined not to give in to Noel’s game.

“Let me guess, yeah? Gonna cut me up like a peppermint nightmare?” Despite the disconcerting pressure against his throat from Noel’s hand, and the cold pang of fear and apprehension prickling at the base of his neck, Julian just managed to muster a superior smile, hoping to crack the psychotic exterior and talk Noel out of his living fantasy.

Noel’s eyes never left Julian’s, and his expression of evil mirth never flickered. He let out a long rasping chuckle, and Julian’s bravado melted away despite himself.

“I could do that, boy, I could well do that…” The green face pressed right into Julian’s now, the sharp nose rubbing against his, leaving a light green smudge.

As Julian watched, the pink tongue which had been tracing along the green lips darted out, alarmingly long, and licked slowly and roughly up his neck and along his jaw line, then disappeared once more behind the grinning teeth.

“But then again, I could just bend you over this ‘ere bin and bum the livin’ daylights out of you…” Hands that felt soft but definitely weren’t gentle slid up the front of Julian’s shirt, scratching jagged nails into his hot skin and raking up and down his chest, feeling the nipples go hard beneath the fingertips.

“Like a peppermint nightmare.” The voice rumbled ominously, cruelly amused by it’s own words. Julian could feel himself trembling now.

Noel smiled to himself, making sure his expression of pure evil never faltered, knowing that he was well and truly fucking with his mate’s mind. The plan had been to wait till Julian was completely freaked out, then disappear into the night, denying he’d had anything to do with it the next morning.

But the way Julian’s breath shook against him as he kept him pressed firmly against the wall, and the way his eyes were wide with fear and amazement and… was that lust? And the way his neck tasted… that hadn’t been in the plan either, but fucking hell, he tasted good!

Course, Chris had suggested taking the plan in that direction, bloody perv that he was, Noel thought with a chuckle, and he had been tempted, but insisted it he just wanted to fuck with Ju, not fuck him. Plans never work out the way they seem, do they?

Noel stared at Ju, who was biting his lip and staring back with wide eyes, not sure what to make of this new development. He’d almost forgotten that it was still Noel, and was utterly caught up in the fantasy.

“You ain’t queer are ya’, boy?” Julian felt teeth biting into his neck as the voice vibrated against his skin.

“N… no.” Julian felt the hot tongue stroking where the teeth had been biting hard a second earlier.

“You best not be lyin’ ta me, boy!” Noel smiled against Julian’s skin.

“I’m not!” Julian felt the words becoming more of a lie with every passing second.

“Well… we’ll fuckin’ see about that, won’ we?”

End Notes: reviews please 😉 more coming soon… coming being the oppritive word… x

[nextpage title=”A Peppermint Nightmare”]

A Peppermint Nightmare

Author’s Notes: The ‘Oxten Rapist lives up to his name…

Julian felt pointed teeth sinking painfully into his soft flesh again, his neck this time, biting hard enough to leave a bruise, but not drawing blood, and hard fingers pressed into his throat, pinning him to the wall, making his breath come in short gasps.

A painted hand was grazing his chest, scraping a dirty red line down his shuddering stomach, as the other fingers clawed down his back, making him gasp for a whole new reason and throw his head back. Noel took advantage of his vulnerable throat, running his sharp tongue along Julian’s newly exposed collar bone and sucking on his neck hungrily.

“Christ!” Julian let a cry escape him as he felt his knees giving up on him, but the green form held him up firmly against the wall, shockingly strong beneath the black cloak.

“Watch it now, boy!” The sinister murmur vibrated darkly against his throat, and Noel pulled away to look Julian straight in the face once more, and for one horrendous moment Ju thought the fantasy was ending, and that The Hitcher was about to shatter the pretence and become Noel again.

Nothing could have been less likely. When Julian’s desperately searching brown eyes met the glowing blues beneath the black brim of the hat, there was no hint of a shared joke between him and his best mate, only an expression of solid lust and cruel amusement. Noel was a fucking good actor, after all.

“You ought ta’ be more careful, son. Dodgy area, this. Lot o’ bad types, ya know?” Noel tilted his chin up and looked down at his panting friend, a crazed smirk spreading across his face as he leered manically.

“Lot o’ rapists, nutters, psychos… somethin’ bad could ‘appen ta’ a boy like you, wanderin’ the streets at night like a tarted up lady o’ the night.”

Julian couldn’t help himself, and shivered slightly as he asked quietly

“Like… what, exactly?”

He wanted to show Noel that he wouldn’t give in to this twisted fantasy, but he could tell that was out the window, as he felt cold sweat breaking out on his forehead, and was completely unable to tell whether it was from adrenalin, lust or apprehension.

He saw Noel’s eye flicker with passion and excitement, and could see he was as just as wrapped up in his own game as Julian was.

“Like I said, boy. You could be fucked against a brick wall in a dark alley, with evil laughter echoin’ in yer ears all the way ta a filthy climax. Wouldn’t want that now, would ya boy?”

Another beam of hot electricity rocketed up Julian’s spine.

“N… no, sir.”

“Well, tha’s too bad, init boy? ‘Cause I got a strong feelin’ somethin’ along those exact lines is about ta’ happen.”

The growl rattled against Julian’s face as the green visage leant in close enough to taste his moist breath, and Noel’s hands dug painfully into his ribs, gripping him so firmly that he had total control over Ju’s body.

Julian felt himself being torn from the wall by gouging fingers in a sudden rush of movement, and spun round, so that his back was towards Noel and his hands were pressed against the wall with flat palms to keep him upright.

Green hands were creeping slowly round to his stomach again, and as one tugged roughly at the button holding Julian’s ridiculous boner back, the other encircled his neck, stretching it back so that Julian was looking right at Noel over his shoulder.

The blue eyes looked black in the darkness, but still shone dangerously as he bent low over Julian, leaning right into him and pulling his neck back even further to meet his in a boiling hot kiss, so full of lust and power that Julian felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand up form the sensation.

Either that, or it could have been the fact that he could now feel Noel’s own hardness pressing insistently into the back of his thighs, and couldn’t help but wonder how far that green make up went…

He didn’t have to wait long to find out. Even as the kinky thought fluttered across his swirling mind, he felt long, slender fingers tearing at his fly, ripping the seams of his jeans apart in an attempt to remove the offending denim coverage as fast as was humanly possible.

Noel’s breath was coming in short, husky gasps as he finally conquered the ungainly zip and wrenched Julian’s trousers down round his knees, relishing the suppressed moans which kept escaping from his friend. He leant forwards, merging his stomach to Julian’s back, forming a perfect line, and moved his hand from neck to shoulder, tracing a delicate red scratch along Julian’s collar bone with his thumb nail.

He crushed his body harder against the other man’s, and ran his warm tongue over the thin graze he’d just caused, hearing Julian’s groan echoing around his head as he did so.

“Brace yer’self, squire, ‘cause it’s gonna get a bit rough from ‘ere on out.”

In reply, Julian moaned into the dirty red bricks, which were still pressed into his face, grazing his lips and forehead whenever Noel moved, and ground his body back against Noel’s, succeeding in lowering his boxers and jeans a little further in the process.

Noel almost lost concentration, forgetting for a moment who he was supposed to be and what he was supposed to be doing. He grinned broadly against Julian’s bare flesh, stifled a Noel-like giggle, and felt his was through the opening in Julian’s boxers, fingers clawing and gripping all the way.

He felt Julian collapse against the wall at his touch, but he gripped him firmly, holding him up with all his strength.

Once he was sure he was pressed hard enough against the wall not to fall, Noel’s hands both withdrew simultaneously, leaving Julian groaning, until he realised what they were doing…

Suddenly, the remaining black fabric of Noel’s cloak and trousers was ripped away violently, and he felt hot on cool skin, hard on soft flesh, paint on bare arse.

A hand snaked its way back up towards his face, stroked along his mouth, strangely soothing after the feeling of rough stone. The fingers danced almost playfully on his lips for a moment, then parted them slowly, before diving into the cool, wet cavity of his mouth.

He sucked on the intrusive digits for a few seconds, wetting and warming them as much as he could, knowing what was coming. The taste of paint and sweat and alcohol was enough to make his head spin with lust and wonder, and suppress the icy fear which was tensing his neck.

The probing fingers withdrew all too soon for Julian, who was left running his tongue hungrily along the air and licking green paint from his moist lips.

While the feeling of Noel’s hot fingers still lingered inside Julian’s mouth, he suddenly felt them slipping down his back wetly, and pushing to be inside somewhere much more interesting. He gasped, inhaling an alarming amount of red dust, and tilted his head back as he felt one, two, three fingers pushing into him, as a sinister chuckle rattled around his head, echoing in the narrow alley.

They pushed in and out a few times, going further with each thrust, egged on by Julian’s stifled grunts and moans, and accompanied by low growls from the sinister shape behind him.

Noel withdrew his fingers one by one, slowly, dragging out the sensation, forcing the other man to squirm and claw at the bricks, holding back screams and curses.

A superior smirk spread across his maniacal features, and he let another low laugh, setting Julian’s teeth on edge.

“Chris would be so proud’ he thought to himself, sniggering again.

He’d spent countless long nights staying up with his beautiful, skeletal friend, sitting cross legged on his bed, drinking exotic cocktails and listening to the perverse, graphic tales of IAMX’s wild sexual escapades.

Boys, girls, boys that look like girls (Noel included), girls that looked like boys, and everything in between. There was, it seemed, nothing Chris Corner had not experienced, and dragged an orgasm out of, kicking and screaming.

And Noel loved nothing more than to sit in a drunken haze of nicotine smoke and filthy obsession, listening to every twisted detail of the Swedish after show orgies, the all-man threesomes in dressing rooms, the on stage blow jobs from members of the crowd during instrumental solos (when Chris mentioned this last occurrence, he did stress that this only occurred if the audience was particularly ‘into the vibe’, making Noel collapse in a fit of giggles on the floor, only to be resuscitated by an ice cold kiss and a smack on the arse.)

Occasionally, when Noel was too drunk to comprehend a particularly complex action which was being described to him, Chris would simply have to resort to demonstrating a live version, to not much resistance.

And now Noel was putting every fucked up IAMX fucking lesson he’d ever had to a very important purpose.

He snapped out of his reverie as a low moan of desperation escaped the tense body which he still had pinned against the wall, and his attention immediately returned to its proper place.

Julian bit his lip to the point of drawing blood as he heard the promising sound of a zip, followed by a low, breathy growl against his skin.

His knees threatened to give out once more as he felt the first nudge of Noel’s bare erection against the back of his thigh, but this time he held himself up, clutching the bricks with white knuckles and trembling fingers.

Noel growled as he felt Ju’s soft skin brush against his throbbing cock, and dug his green fingers harder into his friend’s hipbones, to steady himself as much as Julian.

End Notes: reviews yes? xxx

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