Category: The Mighty Boosh
Characters: Howard Moon, Vince Noir
Pairing: Howard Moon/Vince Noir
Genre: Drabble - Under 500 Words, Fluff
Rating: PG
Status: Complete
Length: <1k words
Notes: Yes it took two of us to write this. Well, I wrote it and tundra_boy was my muse.
Uniform by phoon
Howard adjusted his truncheon and winced at the chafing of the gun holster straps.
“Why are we policemen?”
Vince grinned, twirling his truncheon suggestively, accidentally whacking Howard in the face.
“We’re doin’ Leroy a favour.”He shrugged and leant up to kiss Howards head better. “You know. Him being a cop.”
“I never knew that, Vince.”
“Yeah, he was undercover.”
”Then… Why are we wearing uniforms?”
Vince looked shifty.
“Vince?” Howard loomed over him, warningly.
“Ilikeyouinuniform.” He muttered, gripping his truncheon tightly (but which one?!?!?! Come on, this is an interactive story)
“What? You like me in uniform?” Vince nodded. “But I wear a uniform all the time.”
“Phreh.” Vince flailed his hand in dismissal. “That’s not a uniform. That’s a boy scout outfit. No-one looks sexy in that jacket.”
”You do.”
“Yes. Of course I do. I meant other people.”
“Oh thanks.”
Vince just grinned and slid closer to him.
“Aw, I love you Howard.” He gently ran his hand up Howards arm. “So… Can I play with your truncheon?”