Coffee, Cigarettes and Fucking

Dan and Jones fuck across the kitchen cabinets.


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Length: words

Notes: Posted on BSH – May 2007.

Coffee, Cigarettes and Fucking by The Lizard

Under the stark glare of fluorescent kitchen strip lights, Jones generously spooned coffee granules into two freshly-washed mugs. The tiny hairs at the nape of his neck prickled as he was suddenly aware of Dan standing directly behind him. He caught a waft of his nicotine breath, fading aftershave and the odour of natural body musk that becomes instantly recognisable after living intimately with somebody for a number of years. Dan slid his large, lightly-freckled hands around Jones’ narrow jean-clad hips, then gently but firmly pulled him closer. Jones grinned and shut his eyes, still holding a teaspoon in one hand, dizzied by Dan’s physical presence. He relaxed and allowed himself to be guided backwards into Dan’s broad embrace. Leaning his head back against Dan’s shoulder, Jones exposed his neck to his bristly nuzzles; Dan’s moist warm lips massaging his skin, emitting tiny, deep moans of pleasure, lightly fingering the exposed flesh between Jones’ waistband and t-shirt.

Jones slowly reached behind him and gripped at Dan’s trouser waistband, tugging him closer still, sliding his palm towards Dan’s groin, which was already swelling firmly beneath his jeans. Dan gasped and pushed his crotch more aggressively into Jones, pinning him against the kitchen cabinets. Jones giggled and twisted round to face Dan, glimpsing their reflection for a moment in the kitchen window above the sink.

His dark eyes glazing over with lust, Dan leant forward and roughly caught Jones’ mouth with his own, clasping the DJ’s head with both hands; incessant, needy kissing. Their teeth briefly scraped together as Jones parted his lips and Dan’s tongue forcefully probed deep inside his mouth. As they kissed, Jones felt Dan’s beard scratching against his own five o’clock shadow. Dan’s hands fell around Jones shoulders, then down to his buttocks, grabbing and kneading at the pert muscles. Jones could feel his balls tightening. He desperately wanted Dan inside him.

Jones continued to rub his palm fiercely against Dan’s swelling crotch, his own cock becoming engorged. Breaking the kiss, small strings of saliva briefly stretching between their parting lips, Jones grabbed at Dan’s belt and hurriedly tugged his shirt free, unfastening the buckle. Dan muttered in gratitude, pushing his hair back from his face with both hands, then gazed down, following Jones’ dexterous fingers work his belt free. Jones threw him a sly grin as he undid his buttons, unzipped his flies, and then slid his hand down the front of Dan’s underpants.

Dan groaned in relief as his large erection sprung free. A surge of ecstatic tingles coursed around Dan’s lower back and buttocks. Throwing his head back, his balls tightened further as Jones’ hand folded around his cock, his fingertips caressing the swelling length, squeezing gently. Jones plunged his hand further between Dan’s thighs, taking delight in watching his squirms of pleasure as he cupped and groped his balls. Digging his fingers sharply into Jones’ shoulders through his t-shirt, Dan uttered vivid descriptions, between sharp intakes of breath, about exactly what he intended to do to Jones, to which orifice and how many times. Jones gave a short soft laugh and tweaked the flesh of Dan’s scrotum, causing him to emit another loud moan and verbally expressed to promise to fuck him good and hard and immediately, right there in the kitchen.

Silencing Dan with another deep, tonsil-probing kiss and aware of his own rapidly swelling erection, Jones softly mumbled an invitation to Dan to do exactly as he wanted. With urgency, Dan fumbled and fought with the complicated fastening of Jones’ designer trousers. Jones aided Dan, freeing his cock and feeling Dan hook his thumbs around his waistband, pushing his trousers down over his slim hips. Dan’s warm palms slid around his buttocks then to his penis, which was already glistening with his jism. Dan thumbed the tip, running his large palm along the length, moaning into Jones mouth as they kissed ferociously, clawing at one another. Jones leant back against the cabinets, parting his legs as Dan’s naked thigh pressed against his erection, stimulating him further, his balls throbbing with desire, craving Dan’s penetrations.

Jones turned away from Dan and leant forward across the work surface, spreading his hands either side of him along the edge. He turned his face and rested it against the cool faux marble; his naked pale rear exposed and shivering in anticipation. He was aware of the tip of his cock brushing against the cold steel of the cupboard door handle. Dan stepped away from him and he heard the clunk of the fridge door, then a rustle of foil. Pressing closely against him again, Dan’s long fingers teased Jones’ balls then worked around his anus, applying a slightly cold, greasy substance. After lubrication, Dan slid two fingers inside Jones’ rectum. Jones’ grip tightened on the cabinet edge and he whimpered, his cock feeling about ready to explode as Dan teased his anus with the head of his erection. Dan pushed his cock into him slowly and then quickly tugged it out again. Jones’ thighs quivered and he bashed his fists against the work surface in frustration and longing. Dan gave a low dirty laugh and firmly slapped Jones’ buttocks, mumbling in admiration of his rump. He ghosted the tip of his cock around Jones’ anus again before positioning it between his arse cheeks and commanding him to spread himself wider.

Obediently, Jones parted his legs as far as they would go and loudly urged Dan on. Dan tightly gripped Jones’ waist and, with three penetrating thrusts, plunged the full length of his cock into him. Jones exhaled in a guttural moan and arched his back, relishing the feeling of Dan inside him, waves of stimulation rushing around his pelvis and up his back. Dan thrust slowly but surely, increasing in speed as the two men rocked back and forth together. Dan took great pleasure in watching his cock slide in and out of Jones; deeper, further, until his balls nudged against Jones’ buttocks with each motion. Jones repeatedly adjusted and angled his hips, clenching his anal muscles around Dan’s cock. Resting on one elbow, Jones reached down between his legs and pumped his fist around his own penis, the pleasure in his groin almost excruciating, his own orgasm drawing closer.

Dan groaned in gratification, feeling himself moving with certainty towards release. Perspiration gathered about his hairline, around his shirt collar and behind his knees where his jeans bunched around his legs. Beneath his shirt, trickles of sweat ran down his spine, settling in the patch of dark downy hair above his rump. Jones glanced up again at their reflection in the window. He saw Dan’s face, his eyes screwed up tight, grunting with exertion, hunched over him – back and forth, back and forth. He grinned and then lay his face back down against the cool work surface.

Craning backwards, his buttocks clenched tight, Dan’s hips rammed forward in one final push. He bellowed long and loudly as he came. Jones bucked his entire body, his thighs thudding and scraping against the cabinets. He released his grip on his erection and held fast, savouring the sensation of Dan’s cum filling him within. Spent, Dan slumped forward against Jones moist t-shirt, exhausted, his shaggy hair plastered across his flushed face. Pushing himself up slowly, Dan lifted his lips to Jones’ face, kissing him, and then tugged his cock free from Jones’ anus. Squatting and pulling up his trousers, he tucked his flaccid member back into his underpants, refastening his flies. Exhaling, Dan fished into the back pocket of his jeans, retrieving his cigarette packet and lighter.

Jones straightened gingerly, leaving a perspiration mark across the cabinet top. He leant down towards the floor and retrieved his own clothing, then stood and turned to face Dan with a lop-sided smile. Dan narrowed his eyes, freshly exhaled smoke floating around his features. He returned the smile, placing a hand on Jones’ shoulder and leaned in towards him, whispering words of adoration and love in his ear.

As Dan turned on his heel and headed into the lounge, Jones basked in a post-fuck glow, returning his attentions to coffee-making, flicking the kettle on to re-boil.